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With some one-sided Klance
Uhm... Idk
Shit's gonna happen

Keith sighed as he stared up at the ceiling. Allura sat beside him, reading over something on an Altean tablet.

"All this data Blue had collected from Earth is quite astounding." Allura mused, looking over at Keith.

"Oh, yeah. Super cool." Keith muttered, twisting his knife between his fingers.

Allura frowned and set the tablet on her lap. "Keith, are... Are you angry with me?"

The red paladin blinked, then tilted his head back to look at her. "Angry? Why would I be angry? No, I'm just... I'm thinking, I guess."

"You guess?" Allura echoed, then giggled. "Alright. Humans are strange creatures."

"Strange?" Keith snorted and sat up. "If anything, you and Coran are the strange ones. Goo for food? You guys are literally the only aliens we've come across that has goo for food."

The princess laughed. "I suppose that is odd." Allura shifted to face Keith. "Tell me something about humans on Earth."

Keith huffed, but smiled. "I think I'm the least qualified person on this ship to tell you about other people on Earth, but I'll try. Uhm, well, humans are odd in their diet choices as well, I guess. We always have a wide variety of food ranging from fast food to fancy food."

"Fast food?"

"Yeah, well, the food doesn't run if that's what you're thinking. It's just made really fast so you can grab it and go. It's not the healthiest thing in the universe."

Allura chuckled. "I think we had something similar to that on Altea. We didn't call it fast food, though."

Keith smiled. "Must be a human thing."

"Must be." Allura giggled, then they both looked up as the doors to the commons slid open.

Lance poked his head in. "Hey, have either of you seen Hunk? I can't find him."

Allura nodded, dusting off her dress. "Last I saw, he was with Pidge talking about a machine they're planning on creating."

The blue paladin grinned. "Thanks! See you later!"

Keith sighed and slouched back. Allura tilted her head and looked over to the red paladin. "What's the matter? Has Lance made you upset?"

"No, it's not-" Keith paused and carded his hand through his hair. "It's not like he did it on purpose or anything, I just... Look, you can't tell anyone." Keith turned his head to look over at Allura. The princess nodded rapidly and shuffled around to get more comfortable. "Well, I like... I like Lance."

Allura blinked. "Well, you're supposed to. He's you're teammate-"

"No, no, Allura-!" Keith shouted, sitting up straight. "Not like that, like-... Like I... I want to be with him... I really... Really like him."

The princess stared, then gasped. "Oh my- oh! You-!"

"Shh!" Keith flapped his arms around, waving his hands in Allura's face. "Shut up! I don't want the whole fucking castle to hear!"

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