I Never Had A Chance...

791 15 13

One sided! LotorXPidge
I am, of course, unable to sleep
And this became an idea
But it will be easier to write because it is technically already written
Based on an RP I've been involved deeply with for  2 years
So Shidge
Graphic content
Mentions of Rape and Sex
Yada yada
Some of it has happened, some may happen, I might have added extra detail to spice up the story, idk yet where I'll take this
Can I get on with it now?

All from Lotor's persective
(Even though he is hers and not mine in the RP)

The first time I ever saw her was just after Voltron had reappeared after ten thousand years of vacancy. It was quite shocking if I'm being honest.

She was incredibly small.

However, I should not have let her fool me. She was so unbelievably fierce. She was witty and charming and quick. Light on her feet, intelligent, flexible- a perfect warrior.

I felt an indescribable sensation in my chest as I watched her fight alongside her comrades. It was light, but clutching. My heart throbbed and my head spun.

But I had to dismiss this.

She is a Paladin of Voltron. I am Prince Lotor of the Galran Empire. There couldn't have been a worse pair.


My Generals infilatrated the Castle-Ship several times. Each time, I had been infuriated to know that they hurt the Green Paladin. I clench my fists, and bit back my rage.

She is my enemy. I cannot just ignore that because of these feelings stirring about inside me.


As it turns out, the rebel scum that calls me "Looney-toons" and "Leg-o-las" is the Green Paladin's older brother.

In the middle of a fierce battle on the Balmera, I held my blade to the Yellow Paladin's throat as Matthew held his to mine.  Narti was unconscious on the floor of the Lion's cockpit, Zethrid handcuffed to a pipe as the smallest paladin cockily held her glowing Bayard up to my largest General.

Quite frankly, I had no choice but to drop my weapon and return to the castle ship with him. If I didn't, Ezor's and Axca's wounds would be the death of them.

So, I was cuffed and brought onto the castle. My generals were put into their medical pods.

Her voice was worth it, though. Her strange scent of machinery and some kind of sweet and salty treat were intoxicating. I wanted more of it. I wanted to be closer to her.

However, omce my generals healed, we were loaded onto our repaired ship and sent on our way to the nearest Galran fleet.

Before we could get far, the fleet immediately began firing at our ship.

My generals and I scrambled to our defences, but simply weren't fast enough. The Paladins got us out as swiftly as they could, returning us to the pods.

I should have gone into a pod myself, blood dripping from my head and down from a gash in my arm, but I simply couldn't stand down from this fight. I reboarded my ship and flew out to help the Paladins of Voltron.

And suddenly there was an explosion.

It rattled my ship, nearly launching me away from the control panel.

I look up and the Green lion is hovering limply among the rubble. My heart stopped in panic. I could hear the other paladins and Matthew call for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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