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Future AU
I thought of a short conversation the moment I found that picture ^^^ and I had to do something with it

Keith narrowed his eyes, staring at the black and white mass that's consumed the black paladin's face.

"Why the hell haven't you shaved that thing yet?" Lance voiced Keith's thoughts.

Shiro blinked in surprised, then pouted and stroked his beard like it was a pet. "Why would I shave it?"

Keith groaned. "Stop pouting. You're almost fourty-years-old."

"I'll pout if I want. You can't tell me what to do." Shiro huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "So I'm not gonna shave it. Besides; Katie thinks it's sexy."

Lance scrunched up his face while Keith went crossed, groaning. "Of course Pidge likes it. Won't it get distracting or something?"

"Yeah. For the enemy." Shiro countered with a wave of his hand. "Besides, I take care of it. Trimmed and everything."

"What happens when it gets singed or burned from the Galra shooting at it?" Lance asked with a shrug. "Or say, me? I could accidentally shoot half of it off."

Shiro rolled his eyes. "I'll shave it, then let it grow back. Besides, Katie's not the only one who likes it."

Keith raised a brow. "Who else would like that pet growing off your face?"

The black paladin puffed out his chest. "Hika and Ris."

"Both of them like that thing!?" The blue paladin shouted, sitting straight up.

"Yup." Shiro grinned, then all of them looked up as the commons room door opened.

Hunk peeked in, then grinned as he spotted Shiro. "I am digging the beard, my man." He mused, raising his hand as he came over.

Shiro slapped Hunk's hand in a high-five, laughing as Keith and Lance threw themselves back, both extremely appalled.

Lance then shot to his feet, wildly gesturing to Shiro's face. "How!?"

Hunk and Shiro exchanged a look, then shrugged to each other. Lance whined and slumped as the yellow and black paladins left the room.

"Maybe you two should grow one." Shiro mused before the door closed behind him.

Both paladins glared at the door. "No."


359 words

Ehh, wasn't really a Shidge, but had Shidge content, so... Yeah.

Hika and Ris are Hikaru and Iris if anyone was confused about that for whatever reason.

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