Who the hell are you?!

572 33 2

Chris Wood as: Alexander

Why did she faint?, She's exaggerating they were just kissing, you might be wondering the reason as to why. Well one moment you are running from one side to another looking for your drunk best friend, searching for her in every single part of the hotel,

From the lobby to the restaurants and no sign of her drunk ass, fearing the worst, was she kidnapped, or drowning, did she fell and hit her head, is she bleeding?! but suddenly you find her sitting on the legs of some guy kissing.

So yeah some are bound to react the same way I did, one moment I'm standing there in shock looking at Juliette and Logan making out and the next, I'm on the floor, I think.

I don't how many minutes passed by, but when I woke up, the things that surrounded me were unrecognizable, the only thing I knew? The bed was huge and extremely comfortable, wait, this is not my bed.

I sat up; everything started to spin, my head hurt and my body was sore, panicking won't get me anywhere, taking deep breaths and analyzing my surroundings I recognized the hotel room, thinking it was my brother's,

I didn't pay much attention, so once again I opened my eyes as slow as possible. Studying my surroundings, I couldn't recognize any single thing form the room; there wasn't a single item from James.

Oh dear, where am I?! The door closed and I heard footsteps coming my way, fearing for my life I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep, " I know you are awake, I ordered breakfast." That was NOT the voice of James; this guy had a thick accent, probably from Europe.

Wait he ordered breakfast?! how long was I out! and who is this guy?! "W-what, who are you?! and why am I in your room!?" I stood up from the bed as he placed the tray down, taking a step towards me, with nowhere to escape I stood there frozen.

"God, relax!! I am not going to harm you" He tried to calm me down, it didn't work at all, as my back touched the window, I noticed that the neon paint from my body and face were gone, and I was wearing a large t-shirt.

"You pervert!! what did you do?" I had no choice but to remain near the window as he stood in front of me, he froze, and his blue eyes widened, 'Have I offended him?' shaking my head to get rid of that thought and glaring at him waiting for his answer.

"What, pervert?! NO, I was the one who helped you when you fell into the pool!, you were drowning, and I saved you! Your friend Hikari helped you change while your other friend was panicking and her boyfriend or friend was trying to comfort her, so no I'm not a pervert, you should thank me" He scoffed and crossed his arm.

I took that chance to look at him; he was wearing a well fitted white t-shirt and some skinny jeans, well built, athletic body, this guy is hot 'Wait NO, Anahi stop thinking about that!' I tipped my head to one side and glared at him " I WAS going to, but you and your massive ego ruined everything." I hissed.

He faked laughed and groaned "God, you are not how I remembered! you were a baby back then" huh?! stalker much!? "What the hell are you talking about I don't know you!?" This guy was starting to scare the crap out of me, he might be hot, but this is another level of creepiness.

"For a seventeen-year-old, you sure have a bad memory Anahi!" Did he just? How does he know my name, taking a step forward, ready to slap the leaving hell out of him, the door opened.

"Sis, you are awake, thank goodness!" Funny how James never helped, he is a Doctor for crying out loud. "Bro, thank you for saving my little sister I owe you big time" He hugged the hot stranger and laughed "Anahi do you remember Alexander?!" I tilted my head and frowned, WHO?!

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