What in the world is this man planning?!

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Alex! Of course, how could I have forgotten about that! He usually calls me Love, sometimes Sweetheart but this is the second time he has called me Pumpkin since we started dating.

I threw the door open, creating a gust of wind and startling the man in front of me, he stood in front of me with raised eyebrows and a giant smile on his face.

He leaned forward and pecked my cheek, his lips grazing the corner of my red lips, blushing I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear as I stared at the floor. This guy will be the death of me one day and let's not forget the fact that this is a very new relationship, so everything he does takes me by surprise.

"You look beautiful" He whispered in my ear, taking my hand in his, he smiled once more as his blue eyes met mine, and for a moment as we gazed into each other's eyes I forgot all about Juliette and the rest of my problems.

That was until my phone started to ring once more, 'Back in black by AC/DC blaring through the speakers, breaking the little spell that surrounded us, wincing I separated from Alexander as my phone continued to ring.

"I-I'm sorry, Juliette has been bothering me none stop since 3 am, and this is the...I don't know how many times she has called but this is like the hundred time probably, and if I don't answer she will kill me, and believe me I am very young and I don't want to die" I babbled, my nerves getting the best of me

I paced from one side of the room to another, clutching my iPhone on my right hand as it continued to ring, combing my now messy hair with my shaking fingers "She is very persistent! Oh, and she also texted me like more than one hundred times because my stupid brain decided it was a great ide-"

A chuckle interrupted my babbling, I whipped around to find Alexander leaning at the entrance, with his hands inside his pockets and a massive grin on his stupidly handsome face.

"Baby, If you continue to walk in circles, you might create a hole on the floor, and that's not a great idea" He laughed.

I slumped my shoulders and let out a long breath, I dropped my arms, letting my phone crash on the floor "Don't laugh Alexander! She saw us kissing!!" I hissed.

His blue eyes widened, HA! that was the reaction I was waiting for. He threw his head back and let out a laugh, I was not expecting that response.

"Why are you laughing Alexander, and wait did you just called me Baby?!" Shaking my head I walked towards Alexander "Nonono, don't act all cute with me right now! Juliette saw us, well she doesn't know it was you, but she saw me!"

I continued to tell him everything without leaving out any detail of my conversation with Juliette, I told him about the picture she took and the fact that she wants to meet him. He listened to everything I said, and if it wasn't enough, he helped me calm down.

"I have a plan" He smirked, as he gently placed his hands on my forearms, squeezing me lightly.

"Plan?! What plan?" Scrunching my nose, I tilted my head the right, what in the world is Alexander planing? "What in the world are you planning Alex?

"You'll see," He winked at me, taking my hand once more he guided me towards the door and directly towards the elevator.

As we walked towards the elevator, I kept thinking of all of the plans Alexander could possibly think of but nothing came to my mind, just weird ideas of how are we going to drop the bomb on Juliette.

My phone rang for the hundredth time that morning, sighing I took it out of my bag, as I raised the device the screen lit up, groaning I stuffed it back into my purse. I ain't going to hear all of the voice notes that Juliette just recorded, it will take me probably four days to listen to every single one of them.

"Is that Juliette, again?" Alexander chuckled once we stepped out of the elevator, laughing I nodded my head as we walked out of the lobby.

"She keeps sending me long voice notes, one after the other and I just simply open them without even listening to them, which frustrates her even more and when I say long voice notes I mean five minutes long." We walked side by side, hands barely grazing each other as we headed towards the car.

"Let me gets this straight, she doesn't know who your boyfriend is, but she saw us kissing, and she does not expect me to be your boyfriend?" He questioned me as he opened the door of the car, grabbing my hand he helped me get inside the Mercedes.

Crossing my ankles, I leaned my legs against the center console, waiting for Alexander to get inside the sleek black car, I watched him get into the driver's seat, starting the engine with a push of a silver button he drove off the hotel entrance.

"Oh, This is going to be good!" Alexander smirked, making me frown, what in the world is this man planning?! 

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