Victoria's Secret is out

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Alexander continued to hold me, never once letting me go from his grip; I leaned further up his chest and clenched my fist around his black shirt. His heart beating faster as the time passed by, not a single word and not a single sound came out from my brother and his friends.

"Oh look at him, Alexander came to save the day as always," Victoria laughed "A hero, the knight in shining armor saving the princess!!" She threw her hands up in the air and grinned, wanting to get a reaction out of Alexander.

He just glared at Victoria waiting for her to turn around and get out of the house but she didn't budge, she just glared and smirked while looking down at us.

I tried to stand up, but Alexander took me by the waist and pulled me to his side, James grabbed my legs and pulled them to my side so he could get the giant piece of glass that was sticking out of my leg.

"You do love the attention huh Anahi?" She smirked, I think I lost count of how many times she has smirked during the few minutes she's been here but anyways who's counting.

I scoffed, to believe that we were once friends goes beyond me, people warned me about her telling me how much she loves the attention she gets from guys. They told me how Victoria was using me to get what she wanted, but they never said what that was.

"Me? Attention? Don't make me laugh!," I tilted my head to the side smirking at her, trying to ignore the horrible pain coming from my leg and the grip from both my brother and Alexander.

James laughed "Finally!!" He cheered, I whipped my head to the left, did James just laughed? Is he cheering because I said that? "That piece of glass sure as fuck got stuck!" He raised the glass up to his eyes and smiled, gray/green eyes glimmering with happiness.

"Okay ENOUGH!!, Tiny minion, sorry I mean...Victoria, it is time for you to leave. As you can tell probably not, you are not wanted here," He stood up placed the piece of glass on the counter pushing Victoria out of the kitchen and pointed out the door. "No one, I repeat no one hurts and much less betrays my sister!" He growled, face hard as stone, eyebrows furrowed and gloved hands turned into fists.

His friends cheered and clapped as Victoria walked out the house stomping her bubblegum pink heels as she walked to her car.

Tears fell down my face as a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders, relief washed all over my body. Even if I lost my "best friend" I gained more guy friends and a great guy who protected me from harm.

The moment I fell to my knees was the moment all of my trust crumbled into shreds, not a single piece was left. I lost my best friend, and I lost Andrew in just one day, and it hurt. Sometimes, just when I think I know somebody, they disappoint me in ways I never thought they could.

That's how it works, the saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies, it comes from those you love and your friends.

" Okay!, now that Barbie # 47 is gone we can finally clean Anahi's wound and stitch her up," James once again knelt beside me ready to work on the wound but not before giving his friends instructions on what to do.

I laughed, resting my head on Alexander's shoulder "What is it with you and giving Victoria nicknames?" I giggled.

"I never liked her and the way she waltzed into the house thinking this was a hotel, the house might be huge but by all means, we are NOT a hotel and a taxi service" James grumbled "Remember when I told ya years ago when we were eatin with her and Derek to be careful? Deep down I knew she was trouble; she smelled fishy."

Alexander shifted, holding my body so I wouldn't flinch whenever James touched my wound " And to think Victoria is so in love with you, Mate, when I say love I mean deeply in love with you." Alexander said he sounded calm and nervous as if he was afraid to strike a nerve, afraid I would crumble once more.

My eyes widened, did I heard correctly!? Did Alexander just?! Is he for real??

My body tensed and I gasped, choking from the sudden news, I think Alexander felt it cause he coughed and sighed "Come on the girl is incredibly obvious, she is the type of girl that clings to the guy and throws herself at him," He mumbled.

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