Cold Shoulder

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My phone vibrated as I applied my makeup in front of the giant vanity mirror. Thinking it was Alex, I pick it up, only to see a text from James.

Frowning, I slide the screen up; why would he text me?

We don't usually text unless we check on each other or need something, opening my iMessage app. I notice that Alexander once again left me on seen a few hours ago; frowning, I check my brother's text.

'Sis, you left your shoes in our room, in case you were looking for them :P If you plan on wearing this to Hollywood Studios, I suggest you wear your sneakers!! Loooots of walking today:x'

So James answers me, but Alexander ignores me? I'm not too fond of it; when people leave you on seen knowing you are a few feet away from you. Shaking my head, I finish applying my makeup and stomp to the guy's room.

"You guy's ready?! I am starving, and I want to go now" I leaned against the wall; Alexander laid on his bed with his phone, not even paying attention to what I just said.

"Meet us downstairs Anahi, James is getting ready, and you know your brother" Alexander didn't even dare to look me in the eye; he just kept looking at his phone.

"Fine, whatever" Closing the door, I put on my shoes and head to the elevator. For the hundredth time, I shake my head, trying to get rid of this sinking feeling. I can't let this get to me no matter who it is, and even if he is my boyfriend, I can't let him have this much power over me.

I will not let another guy treat me like a piece of trash and have power over me. You see, I am not as confident as I portray to be. I can be insecure, and when anxiety takes over, that's when the overthinking begins. But not this time, not anymore.

If he honestly thinks that I will run towards him like a lost puppy begging for his attention, we have a big problem here!

There are two options here, give him the cold shoulder, and play along with his little game. Or be the mature one in this relationship and act like nothing is wrong and swallow it until he decides to talk to me. So far, option one sounds pretty convincing to me. But the more I think about it, the more obvious it would look in front of my brother.

Sighing, I take the menu in front of me, ready to scan through it as I wait for the guys. The menu looked more interesting than just sitting here all alone at the restaurant. All sorts of delicious food filled the colorful pages. From Mickey-shaped waffles to fluffy looking scrambled eggs with bacon, everything you could imagine was right there in front of you.

Laughter filled the room as little children ran from one side to another. Families gathered together, enjoying the morning before they made their way to the parks or for some shopping. A few kids screeched and laughed as they came face to face with one of their favorite characters. Huge smiles plastered on their faces the moment they came in contact with them.

Laughing, I just sat there admiring the people surrounding me. As I watched the families laugh and, talk I concluded that this is a beautiful time to spend laughing and having fun instead of being petty and cold towards Alex. Nodding my head, I went back to staring at the menu.

My thoughts began to wander once more to Alexander. Seriously, what in the world is happening? One moment we are happy, and the next is like I do not exist at all! If this has to do with James, which I am pretty sure it does. I swear, I will not hesitate. To do what? God knows what because I have no clue myself.

The overwhelming aroma of cologne hit me way before I could see my brother scrunching up my nose. I turned to my side to find James already sitting next to me with a giant grin on his annoying face. I gasped, jumping in my chair as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"JESUS, what in the world?!" Placing a hand on my chest, I glared at him. When did he get here? And why is he looking at me with that grinch looking grin?

"Well, I was calling you a thousand times but, you were so deep inside your mind; just drooling at the menu!" Poking my stomach, he snatched the menu right out of my hands. Gasping, I tried reaching for the menu, but it was no use; he already had it and had no plan on giving it back to me even if he had his menu next to him.

"James, I swear to God if you do not give me that menu back, I will bite you. I will not hesitate to leave a mark." Reaching for his arm, I opened my mouth and got ready to bite, but sadly he snatched his arm back.

Chuckling, he patted my head. "Now now, my dear sister is not polite to bite." Flicking my nose, he gave me the menu back. "By the way, Alex will be meeting with some friends of his if you want to join!"

Wait, he is? He never mentioned anything about it last night, much less that he had friends in Orlando. Of course, I have no trouble meeting his friends, but he has been giving me the cold shoulder the moment James got here. Ever since he woke up, it is as if I never existed; he barely talks to me or even sends me a text, and by this point, I rather talk to him than assume stuff.

Am I wrong? Should I be feeling like this or is this all in my head?  

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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