Forgive me

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"You have NO right to tell me how to raise my sister, you might be my 'brother' and my best friend, but you don't know me at all" James hissed as he took one step in front of Alexander, shoving him until Alexander's back slammed against the fridge.

If they don't stop now the one who will need stitches will be either Alexander, James or probably both and right now I'm grateful James' medical friends are standing right in the kitchen in case something gets out of control.

"Oh! pour pleurer fort à haute voix, arrête, James; I have known you my entire life ever since we were four and Anahi is not the same six-year-old girl that cried whenever I took her ice cream." Alexander pushed James away from him shoving himself off the fridge.

"She's a grown, beautiful woman capable of defending herself but sometimes she needs her big brother to protect her. Not to shove her away by telling her who to see and not to see," Alexander whispered as he glanced at me, a faint smile appearing on his face as his blue eyes locked on mine.

"Dude, that's my sister you are talking about!" James yelled pointing at my direction, I know I should stand up and put an end to this situation but one I can't get up. Two: for the first time in years someone is willing to face my brother like a real man, three the pain is killing me even to get up and run away from here.

Alexander chuckled and shook his head, James just proved him right there just how wrong my brother is "That's what I'm talking about James! If you want to hit me, come and hit me! But I'm not gonna stand here with my arms crossed without telling you how wrong you are!"

"I have seen Anahi cry every single time; I heard her cry and breakdown in her room when she thinks no one is listening to her. She just lost Andrew and the one who was supposed to be her sister, in just a couple of hours." Alexander whispered not even once he turned to look at my brother,
He kept staring at me waiting to see my reaction. I sat there with eyes wide open a tiny gasp escaped my lips; realization fell upon me,

"Go ahead and kill me but if I were you, I would shoot the guy who broke her heart." Alexander walked to where James was standing and placed a hand on his shoulder.

James took a deep breath and slapped Alexander's hand away from his shoulder; he pushed Alexander down to the floor.

I stood up as fast as I could without ripping my stitches and grabbed James from his sleeve "STOP! Don't you dare hit Alexander!!"

" Both of you just stop, Alexander is right, and that's final, but just stop neither of you ain't helping!!" I yelled glaring at both guys.

My heart couldn't stop beating, my calf hurt and my eyes were burning, tears were threatening to fall.
Without saying a word I turned to look at the rest of my brother's friends "Could one of ya help me get to the movie room?" I sniffled.

"I don't want to see y'all until ya talk everythin out" I hissed without looking back at them as one of James' friends carried me back to the room.

"Look I know this is not my place to say anything should talk to Alexander" Kevin, the guy who was carrying me said as he put me on one of the seats from the movie theater.

" W-why should I talk to him?" I whispered taking the Apple TV control in my hand; I glanced at Kevin with confusion written all over my face, whatever he said I couldn't understand one simple word, what in the world is Kevin saying?

Does he want me to go and ask Alexander about the fight he had with James? Cause it seemed clear to me why he yelled at my brother. I mean I would have stood up and yelled at him, but my leg wouldn't let me do such thing, and I would have shouted at James while Alexander yelled at him, but my mouth wouldn't open.

Kevin shook his head as he pinched his nose in frustration "It's not my place to say but just talk to him, you'll see. I'll bring you breakfast and some juice for you in a few minutes." Kevin said as he carefully placed a comfy blanket on my legs making sure not to graze my now bruised and stitched leg.

I sighed the moment Kevin left the room. This day turned out to be one of the craziest days ever. I scrolled through the movies without actually paying too much attention to them passing one by one.

My mind kept wandering to Alexander once again, all the times he's been there for me whenever I cried, the little details he did for me whenever I felt sad, how Alexander helped me and talked to me when no one did, he's been there for me no matter what.

Kevin came back ten minutes later with a huge tray of food and a giant glass of juice on his right hand, my eyes widened. The silver platter had every sort of French pastries, cheesecake, a cup of pudding, smoked salmon, tea and so much more that can barely fit on the tray.

"K-Kevin, what is all of this?!" I gasped, gesturing at the platter in front of me.

Kevin chuckled "Well Mademoiselle Anahi, right here we have a fantastic selection of pastries starting with French macaroons, a delicious rose religieuse followed by an Ispahan filled with rose petals and lychee cream embellished with fresh raspberries," He pointed at every single pastry.

"Right next to the French macarons we have a delightful Pot de creme with rose and pomegranate, a fresh rose pudding, and earl grey and rose cold latte but in case you get more thirsty we have a strawberry and orange juice." Kevin placed the platter on my lap as he described the rest of the dishes.

I sat there frozen, confused and in shock as Kevin explained every single dish " Did you make all of this??" I tilted my head as I took a bite of my avocado toast with smoked salmon, curiosity filling me from head to toe, all I know is that  I hav...

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I sat there frozen, confused and in shock as Kevin explained every single dish " Did you make all of this??" I tilted my head as I took a bite of my avocado toast with smoked salmon, curiosity filling me from head to toe, all I know is that I have never seen any other guy near a stove or holding a spatula.

"God, I wish I could cook like this but no it wasn't me, all I can say is that he told me to give you your breakfast and this note." Kevin handed me the black folded paper and nodded at the door behind me.

I frowned, who could do this and when did he do all this? With shaking hands, I opened the black paper and right there with a clear and beautiful handwriting in silver said: 

'Please forgive me.' 

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