Morning Routine

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Remember when I said I would regret it in a few hours? Well yes, I do regret it and a lot! Groaning I covered my eyes from the light coming from the windows and turned to look at the wall, I refuse to get up and face Juliette and much less her yelling.

I snuggled up close to my pillow, breathing deeply and letting out a sigh, even if I slept at 4 am thanks to my dear friend, I in some way feel refreshed and happy which is weird since I barely rested from all the tossing and turning and the nagging inside my head.

Grabbing my phone from the nightstand, I glanced at the screen as it lit up, my eyes nearly popped out. I had 43 missed calls and 30 unread messages, who in the world sends and calls that many times?!

Pulling my phone closer towards my eyes, I looked at the name responsible for calling me 43 times in a row, I should put on my glasses, but I had no intention of getting up from this bed until I know who the culprit is.

Glaring at my phone, I read over and over again the name of the culprit, of course! It had to be Juliette! Who else would have the decency of calling me that many times in a row!? Only her and her weird ideas!

I kept scrolling through the texts without even reading them I just passed them until I hit bottom, but one text message caught my attention.

'Change of plans meet us at Epcot! If you go to a different place, I will chase you from park to park until I find you! XOXO Jules!'

Did she just...Threatened me?! Glaring at my phone, I stumbled from the bed and threw my phone onto the mattress, grabbing my black leather skirt, my favorite Mickey mouse printed tee and a pair of black shoes I dashed towards the bathroom ready to start the day.

I stepped slowly into the shower, flinching as my toes touched the cold white porcelain tiles, turning the water on high and letting it hit my head in steamy rivers. I closed my eyes allowing the heat soak into my skin, my muscles relaxing as the hot water grazed my body.

I lean against the cold marble wall as my sore legs threaten to buckle, all of the walking we did yesterday did leave my muscles aching. The water pours down, dripping by my side as my mind fades away and everything is foggy.

The feeling of the steamy water soothes my anxiety; taking my mind of things, all of the stuff that Juliette said, her threats and my worries, her annoying screams, and her audacity of calling at 3 a.m.

I shake my head as my mind swirls, leaving behind all of those thoughts, all of the things that I honestly don't find relevant, the water cascades all over my body relaxing me little by little. How I wish to stay under the hot water but I know it can never last, and I need to face the music.

Shaking my head, I stepped out of the shower, being careful not to slide and fall face first, drying off I slipped on my clothing, adjusting the black leather skirt to fit perfectly around my waist, and Mickey Mouse shirt.

Doing my hair was something I looked forward to every day, I would wake up, comb my hair maybe straighten it and that was it, everything was so much faster when I had short hair.

I would just curl it in a few minutes, and I was done, but now my hair is longer, and it takes forever to get ready.

That means that I have to dry it and then straighten it or curl it which takes me about thirty minutes or more.

As I finished doing my hair, I applied a little bit of makeup to look alive, since I did look like a raccoon or probably a Zombie, I couldn't decide which was worse.

As soon as I finished applying red liquid lipstick, my phone started to ring, flinching I accidentally dropped the lipstick tube into the sink, scrunching my nose I stormed towards my bed, picking up the phone, Juliette's name appeared on the lit up screen. I stared at my phone without blinking, with no intention of picking up the call ended, leaving behind another twenty missed calls and one hundred unread messages...All from Juliette.

I sat on my unmade bed, groaning I unlocked my phone, making sure to ignore every single message and call from my dear crazy friend if she thinks I will bend to her will she is so wrong! 

A sudden knock startled me, breaking me from my thoughts, leaving my phone on the bed once more I stood up, smoothing down my skirt I walked towards the door.

"Who is it?!" I neared the door, stopping right in front as I waited for the person behind the entrance to answer me.

"Pumpkin, you ready? " Pumpkin? Frowning I placed my hand on the door, who in the world calls me pumpkin.

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