Protective James and..Alexander?

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First Derek, then Andrew and now my dear, poor innocent brother?? Who's next? Alexander??. Not that I care about him or anythin, cause he is just a friend especially my brother's friend and that's all he is...Okay I'm rambling, aren't I??  

"Funny, Alex, SOO funny!!" I hissed, flinching at the sudden contact of latex gloves on my skin, as much as I was trying to control myself all I wanted to do was turn around and glare at Alexander until he turned to stone. If only that were possible, a girl could dream, right?.

"Love," He chuckled. "She is incredibly obvious; she can't even hide it. Think about it, every time she came to the house James was here either studying at the studio with the rest of his medical group or watching movies with us," Alexander moved his hand that was around my waist, and placed it on my arm. The floor was getting uncomfortable as the minutes passed by all I could see was my brother kneeling in front of me while the rest of his friends surrounded him, giving him medical tools whenever he needed something.

I opened my mouth to answer Alexander, but nothing came out, my thoughts clouded my judgment. He may be right or may be wrong,

"Sis, be grateful the glass didn't go further, one more centimeter and your leg would be damaged," James mumbled, taking my calf in his hand inspecting my newly stitched wound "The question is...Anahi how did that piece of glass ended up in your calf??" He whispered while he gently poked the wound with his gloved hand. 

I hissed, slapping his hand away from the wound. " James! don't do that, it hurts!" pain ran through my body, making me flinch and back away from my brother. 

"Well, if ya would stop movin' maybe, JUST maybe I could have finished on time!" James hissed, he took my wounded leg once more, making sure he didn't touch the injury and resumed his work. "Alexander, dear, do me a favor and get your nasty paws off of Anahi..." Without a single glance at us, he continued working on my wound. " Don't you think I haven't noticed your hand on her waist, I might be workin here, but I have eyes everywhere. Now I'm gonna ask nicely...MOVE IT,  ALEXANDER DEVERAUX!!!" James barked.

I thought by now his protectiveness was gone, but I was wrong. James will never change maybe in the future when I'm married he will change...maybe. 

Alexander laughed, how I wish I could see his face right now "Mate, just focus on helping Anahi you can later act as the protective brother, right now act like a doctor." He laughed, placing his arm around my waist wanting to get a reaction from my brother. 

The clock stroke 9 am, really early to be awake on summer but my brother decided to burst into my room so I could kick Victoria out. Now I'm wide awake, bleeding on the floor with tear stains on my face and hungry, this is one of the most beautiful mornings ain't it?? 

Who would have thought that I would end up like this, all wounded and crying in Alexanders arms? If you told me that I would end up sitting on the floor crying and clinging to that guy, I would have laughed, but things happen for a reason right?. To move on with your life, you have to leave your past behind, probably not right now 'cause the wound is still fresh, literally and metaphorically.

One hour went by incredibly fast, between the bickering I had with my brother, the conversations between James and his whole medical group and the constant arguing among him and Alexander, who never once stopped provoking him. The time flew by. 

"Deveraux, I ain't jokin' either ya let her go, or ya won't see the light of day for the next couple of days" James snarled, he clenched his hand, applying pressure on my wound making me yelp.

"James, you are hurting me!" I flinched away from James, curling into Alexander.

Alexander pulled me away from my brother "Mate, I told you to stop acting like the protective brother and finish your work! I barely touched her, and you know what?! Instead of attacking me why don't you go and have a little talk with the one who truly hurt her?" He said, leaving me on the floor.

"The guy who already made her cry? The man who broke her heart and her trust!? Stop obsessing on the fact that I'm going to hurt her, and face the one who already has! You are her brother, you are supposed to protect her, but all you do is push her away by telling her who to date and who NOT to date!" Alexander yelled.

James stood up, slamming his medical tools on the counter next to him, "Who gave you the right to-" He snarled, his voice barely audible from where I was sitting. 

Alexander interrupted him " You are way too obsessed with telling us, your friends not to date Anahi or to even go near her, that you can't see how much she's hurting, how much you are hurting her." He pointed at James; the once happy Alexander turned into a dangerous, angry and protective guy right in front of everyone in just a matter of seconds.

James stood near the counter glaring at his best friend, his 'brother from another mother,' the one who has been with him since they were little.

 His face said one thing, but his body language said different, yes he looked angry but I know my brother well enough that I am aware when he is surprised, and he knows when he's wrong, but the man won't admit it 'cause he is afraid his pride would be damaged. 


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A/N: Guys, I know that I haven't uploaded, and I'm sorry for that, college is killing me, but I promise to upload as soon as possible!

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