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"Please forgive me" I whispered tracing the handwriting with my fingertips, who would do such thing? Who could take his time to make me breakfast and a little note? I mean I do like it and a lot. I'm more impressed by the fact that this guy can cook than the letter that I have right in front of me, no one, not even a man has taken his time to do such things, and I felt special.

But the more I think about who could it be; the more confused I get so instead of pondering about it I continue to search for a movie and enjoy the beautiful breakfast that sat on my lap, savoring every single flavor from the different dishes on that tray.

Not even ten minutes later and I had eaten every single thing on the plate, leaving a few crumbs behind, whoever took the time to make all of this has earned my respect and my food-loving heart, well not my heart just my respect and admiration that's all.

"Hey sis, look I know you are mad at me, probably you don't even want to see me or talk to me but..." James walked into the room interrupting my movie

"Yea, I don't want to see you but what do you want." I snapped at him; anger bubble up inside me, just the reminder of my brother pushing Alexander to the floor or the way he shouted at him made my blood boil. I couldn't even look at him without the thought of slapping him.

I clenched my hand around the Apple tv remote my knuckles turning white from all of the pressure I was applying, without glancing at James I waited for him to talk, waited for him to open his big stupid mouth so he could go and ruin everything once again, but nothing came out.

I opened my mouth to tell him to get out, but he decided his brain works " I just want to know how are ya feeling?" He frowned.

I let out the fakest most unbelievable laugh ever "You want to know how I feel??!" I threw my head back and laughed "Please, how do you think I'm feeling James? I want to scream, punch a wall and cry my eyes out, my leg was bleeding a few hours ago, AND you just pushed Alexander," I paused. "So...yea I'm peachy but don't worry I'm going back to London and start a new year of college so you can be happy." I stood up as slow as possible and walked out of the room.

I failed to do a dramatic exit, but hey at least I managed to walk out of that room without slapping my brother, throwing myself into my bed I glanced at the ceiling watching the fan turn in circles sighing I got up and started packing.

The little black card that he gave me fell from my hoodie as I continued to pack, grabbing it from the top of my bed I stared at it, analyzing every little detail letter by letter trying to put a face to that handwriting.

Faces flashed in my mind, but not a single one made sense or fitted the writing in front of me, memories flashed inside my head, frowning I placed the card next to my iPhone giving up, there was no way I would find out who did this.

I continued packing, but every once in a while I caught myself glancing back to the card, that little detail that the 'P' had made go back in time remembering HIM writing on a piece of a napkin at a restaurant in Hawaii while we waited for James to come back from his room.

Letting a gasp, I let the shoe fall from my hands and took the piece of black paper in my hands placing it incredibly close to my eyes. Realization dawning on me, after hours of wondering I felt like Cinderella, the only thing different is that the guy IS Cinderella, the glass slipper is the black piece of paper with gold writing on it, and I am the prince looking for the girl...well guy in this case.

Who would have thought THIS very same man would make such gestures?! UNBELIEVABLE.

I left everything on top of my bed, and as fast as I could run I opened my door and walked down the stairs looking for the guy responsible for making me shriek and gasp all damn morning.

I opened every door I could find without success of finding him I continued to walk shouting his name but no one answered not even James who was probably inside his room pouting like a baby since I stormed out without letting him talk.

"Cinder!!!" I shouted, walking from room to room without progress "Cinderella!" now I know how Prince Charming felt when he couldn't find Cinderella.

With no success in finding him, I walked to the kitchen sighing as I walked in I came to a halt, there he was, wearing a black apron with his sleeves from his white shirt bunched up to his elbows.

He took the empty bowl next to him, an egg and a knife, I frowned..what in the world is he planning to do with all of those things?! Without saying a word, I stared at him waiting for his next move which I was NOT expecting at all.

He took the bowl in his left hand and placed the egg on top of the knife, he lifted the knife tossing the egg up in the air and put the knife in the middle of the bowl. Suddenly the egg fell on top of the blade's spine making it split in half pouring all of its content inside the bowl.

I gasped, amazed and speechless, he must have heard me cause the next thing I know he's dropping the knife to the floor startled by the fact someone watched him perform such trick with such ease

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I gasped, amazed and speechless, he must have heard me cause the next thing I know he's dropping the knife to the floor startled by the fact someone watched him perform such trick with such ease. "An-Anahi, wh- what are you doing he-here" He scrambled to pick the knife up.

As he moved I caught a glimpse of his tattoo on his left forearm, that tattoo was NOT there a few days ago, was it? I tilted my head to the side, examining the black skull and knifes. It looks good on him I must admit.

I shook my head, what in the world am I thinking?! sighing I took a few steps and sat on one of the high chairs " I, um came to thank you for breakfast and

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I shook my head, what in the world am I thinking?! sighing I took a few steps and sat on one of the high chairs " I, um came to thank you for breakfast and..umm" I shifted in my seat.

He smiled and wiped the knife with a cloth placing it next to the dirty dishes "Does this mean you forgive me?"

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He smiled and wiped the knife with a cloth placing it next to the dirty dishes "Does this mean you forgive me?"

"Yes, Alexander you are forgiven." I smiled. 

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