Chapter 1

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Perla's pov;

"Perla! Hurry up mija. We're gonna miss our flight" my mom yelled from the front door.

"Coming Ma!" i yelled back as i look back at my room.

I have so many memories in this house. I was living here since i was 7 and im honestly kinda gonna miss this place even though i also have terrible memories. The bad memories are because if my step dad. My life was amazing before he came in the picture. He always picked on me and stuff and always yells at me for no reason.

"Perla ya vámonos. Apurale no te quedes parada como una idiota" he said.

I just gave my mom the look but she quickly turned away as i walked out the house into the car. I was really gonna miss Texas.

~At the airport

I was on my way boarding the plane. Good thing i didnt have to sit by mom and step dad on the flight. My seat was all the way in the back while they were in the front. Once i got to my seat i noticed there was this boy there by the window. He looked about my age. I sat down next to him and them he realised i was there.

"Hi, sorry i didnt see you there" the guy said.

"Its ok. Its fine" i said

"Where are you heading to?"

"California. And you?"

"Wow so am i".

"Oh wow cool"

"Well my name is Yoandri Cabrera. And you are?"

"Perla Guevra"

"Nice to meet you. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" Yoandri said as he smiled at me. That smile is adorbs.

"Thank you. I got it for my birthday" i said sarcastically.

"Ha ha very funny" he said.

~3 hours later

We were almost there to Cali. I was talking to Yoandri the whole way. He is just so funny. I was cracking up most of the time. We had a lot in common. He told me about his life and his career to be a singer. He showed me some of his videos and he sings really good. How come this boy hasnt won a grammy yet? I mean like come on. Right now Yoandri is fast asleep snoring. I kept cracking up and decided to record him.


As the plane landed i kept shaking Yoandri to wake up. He shrieked as i slapped his head.

"What?!!? Que paso? Are we still humans? He yelled.

I laughed "The plane landed you idiot. Hurry up and get your stuff" i said.

"Wow thats a very nicely way to wake someone up miss princess".

"I know right? Im such an amazing and sweet princess" i said sarcastically.

As we got off the plane, Yoandri gave me his number to keep in touch. We said goodbye and i went to look for my parents. They were sitting at some benches.

"Sorry mom me perdie y no los encontraba" i said

"Si mija esta bie-" my mom gets cut off by my step dad

"Quien era ese chamaco? Lo conoces o que?" he said.

"Apenas lo acaobo de conocer. El estaba se lado mio en el avión y ahora es mi amigo" i told him.

"Seguramente. A mi no me haces pendejo"

"Pregunte por tu opinión?" I said as i rolled my eyes at him.

"Contestame otra ves y vas a ver lo que te pasa".

"Pero no eres mi papa. No tienes un papel que diga que me puedes poner una mano enzima. Tengo 17 años, no 10" .

"Me las vas a pagar Perlita" he said as he walked away.

My mom was there not saying a word. She knew id never let him win. Not anymore.

~in the car

As we were on our way to our new home i was texting Yoandri. I told him about my step dad. I had also told him about some of my life on the plane which brought both of us to tears. He really understood my life. I cant believe i already made a friend.

After a 30 minute car drive we made it to our new home. It was almost like a mansion. It was like a medium size mansion. I got my things and went inside. My mom told me to go choose a room. I looked around the house to see what room would be good and i ended off choosing the room by the right end of the house. It had its own bathroom and a balcony. A balcony would be great for sneaking out. My room also had a bunch of outlets so i could plug a bunch of stuff in here. I could even bring my own microwave and mini fridge in here. I was already imagining things for my room. And i pictured it pretty well. Then all of a sudden my mom called me down stairs to talk to me.

"Mija ya escogistes tu cuarto?

"Si ma ya"

"Bueno para que dejes tus cosas ahi para que luego trigan lo resto de tus cosas mas al rato"

"Si mom esta bien"

"Te tengo una sorpresa"

"Dime mom"

"Ve para afuera y veras"

"Ok" i got so excited i didnt even know what she was gonna give me. As i got outside i couldnt believe my eyes. She got me my first car. I went up to her and hugged her.

"Gracias mama. No sabes cuanto te quiero"

"De nada mija. Y yo tambien igual".


It was already almost night. I had spent the entire afternoon decorating my room. Everything was going great. After i finshed i changed into my pyjamas, laid down on my bed and texted Yoandri.

*text screen*

Me: Hey yolandrina

Yoyo😛💦: Hey bish

Me: wanna chill tmr? Or is u busy?

Yoyo😛💦:Actually no.. I gots nothing to do

Me: Ok good so u canz show me around here cuz idk anything here💀

Yoyo😛💦: I gotchu bish... Tomorrow ill pick you up at 4

Me: Ight hoe... Gn.. Love u mi little elephant💗💀

Yoyo: Love u too goblina.. Gn😂

*Txt ends*

I got up to put my phone to charge then went back to my bed. Get ready Cali. Im coming for you tomorrow.

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