Chapter 16

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**after concert

Joel's pov;

We got off stage and headed to a dressing room. We were all cheering and hugging each other.

"You guys did great" Perla said.

"Why thank you" Sebastian said.

"Of course we did. We're amazing" Richard said with a smile.

"So what do you guys want to do? "Christopher asked.

"Well we can go eat my moms and eat if yall are hungry cuz i am" Zabdiel said.

"Starving" Christopher said.

"Same here" Joshua said.

"Well then lets go" Zabdiel said.

"Yes yes yes yes!! Ive been waiting ever since we got here!!! Ive missed your moms food!" i exclaimed.

We go out the place with Christmas trees. Yes. Christmas trees. We had nothing else to use for disguises.

We got to the van and we all got in. Christopher was yet again driving and Richard was in the passenger seat. Sebastian, Elsa, Zabdiel and Erick were in the first row but Erick was sitting on Zabdiel's lap since we all couldnt fit. Then me, Perla, joshua and yoandri in the back and Yoandri was sitting on Perlas lap since we also couldnt fit.

We were singing the whole way in the car and each of us were having our own conversations. The ones in the front, middle and back doing their own things. Then after a 30 minute drive, we made it to Zab's house. We got out the car and went inside his house.

"Mami, estamos aqui" Zabdiel said as we all walked in his house.

"Hola mijo y que tal chicos y chicas. Como andan?" Zadiels mom, Noemi asked.

"Muy bien mami" Christopher said.

Christopher calls Zabdiels mom, mom also since him and Zabdiel have been friends since La Banda and since Chris was here working to send money to his family, Zabdiels mom has kept an eye on him.

"Y muy cansados" Sebastian said.

"Y con hambre" Richard said.

"Aye pobresitos mis niños. Orita les voy hacer unas empanaditas muy ricas muchachos" Noemi said.

"Mmm suena muy bueno" Erick said.

"Bueno chicos, No me van a presentar a estas chicas tan bonitas?" Noemi asked.

"Si mire esta es mi hermanita. Se llama Perla. Ella vive con nosotros en Cali" Yoandri said.

"Mucho gusto Perlita. Como creo que ya lo sabes, soy la mama de Zabdiel" Noemi said said.

"Si señora y mucho gusto" Perla said shaking her hand.

"El placer es mio mija" Noemi said.

"Mama y tambien ella es Elsa. Tambien es nuestra nueva amiga y va estar con nosotros" Zabdiel said.

"Un placer Elsa" Noemi said.

"El placer es mio señora" Elsa said.

"Bueno chicos mientras, yo haga la comida, recuerden que esta es su casa" Zabdiel's mom said.

"Si mami" Christopher and Zabdiel said at the same time.

"Muchas gracias" Joshua said.

"No me tienen que agradecer. Ustedes son como mis hijos tambien" Noemi said walking to the kitchen.

**after dinner

Perla's pov;

After we finished eating, we were in the living room. Zabdiel's mom was showing us his baby pictures and all there is to say is "aw". Zabdiel was all red and i could tell hes really embarrassed by all this. All the guys we teasing him and patting his back. Mostly Christopher. Then after that it was time for us to leave.

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