Chapter 39

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"How did it go with Rentao?" i asked the guys. "And wheres Joel?"

"Yeah about that" Erick started off.

"Lets just say Renato screamed at Joel real good" Richard said.

"Yeah and lets also just say that, Renato is trying to get a hold of Ricky at the moment" Zabdiel said.

"Oh my gosh" i said as i placed my hand on my forehead.

"Dont worry though. I feel like Ricky will be more chill about it" Christopher said.

"Yeah sure of course he would" i said sarcastically. "Hes gay Christopher"

"Perla!" Erick exclaimed as everyone else gasped and Yaya bursted out laughing.

"Im being honest!" I said back.

"Lets just wait until Joel comes back with Renato" Yaya said as she was trying to control her laugh.

"Has anyone seen my brothers dumb ass?" I asked.

"I havent seen his ears popping out for a while now" Elsa said.

"Guys" Joel said as he walked in.

"Mi amor what happened?" I asked as i hugged him.

"Well the worst has past upon on us" Joel said starting off.

"And?" Johann said.

"Me and Perla can still be together!" Joel exclaimed.

"Ay dios mio thank you" i said as i kissed him.

"But" Joel said.

"I hate the 'but' part" Christopher said as he placed his chin on Yaya's shoulder.

"But" Joel said.

"Come on boy spill the frijoles" Johann said.

"Im just kidding theres no 'but'. I just wanted to say that because they always say that in the movies" Joel said with a laugh.

"Fuck you Pimentel" i said.

"Yeah we cant do that anymore" Joel said with a smirk as the boys started to laugh.

I rolled my eyes and blushed a little.

"Anyways, we can make it public. We just have to lay low on social media for a bit" Joel said.

"Okay good. I got scared for a second" i said.

"Wait is Yoyo home yet?" Joel asked.

"No not yet. We were wondering where he was too" Zabdiel said.

"That boy is hiding something. I feel it" i said.

"Operation spy on Yoandri?" Johann asked with a smirk.

"Yes lets do it!" Yaya exclaimed.

"Okay someone hand me their phone.

Joel quickly took out his phone and handed it to me. I unlocked Joel's phone and went to the find my iphone app.

"Perla i swear you're something else" Elsa said with a laugh.

"Come on now, he said he went to go film with Samantha" Richard said.

"A mi no me hace pendeja el güey" I said as i dialed his number in.

"Woah chill there Mexican hood girl" Joel said with a laugh.

"I got his location!" I exclaimed. "Hes at, Starbucks?"

"What the hell has he been doing at Starbucks for the past two hours?" Johann asked.

"Guys maybe he just got there" Elsa said.

"No no, he would've told me he was going to Starbucks because his dumb ass always tells me when he goes so i can tell him what i want" i said really fast.

"Shes right. Come on lets go find him" Johann said.

"Im staying" Richard said.

"Yeah us too" Zabdiel said as he put his hand on Elsa's hip.

"Yo si voy" Erick said.

"Us too" Yaya said meaning her and Christopher. 

"Vamonos" Johann said. "Oh Richard we're taking your car"

"Fine just dont crash" Richard said handing Johann the keys.

"Yeah im driving" Joel said as he snatched the keys from Johann.

"Fine lets just go already" Johann said.

We all walked out the house and got inside the car and drove off.


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