Chapter 45

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Last night was insane. After i talked to the boys, we went to go dance. It was crazy and wild on that dance floor. After i had danced, I talked to some of Joels friends from La Banda.

After all of that, i was with the girls, Yaya, Lizbeth, Elsa, Clarisse, Samantha, Celine and Daniela. Yaya was already drunk and we tried getting her to sit down but she just wouldnt listen. I had went to go get Christopher who was still a bit sober but still was able to take Yaya inside to my room.

Then me and the girls had went to go dance a little bit together. On the dance floor, Lucia joined us. I got a bit tired and sat down while the rest of them stayed dancing. Then Mario Ruiz, Calle and Poche had came and i talked to them for a bit.

I have to admit the party was huge. A bunch of people came and i was impressed. It was mostly youtubers who came. Christopher really outdid himself and i couldnt be anymore great full.

Im currently here laying down on Joels bed remembering last night. Joel was in the bathrrom washing his face. He then came out and kissed me.

"You're lucky we were able to push back concert dates" Joel said with a laugh as he sat on the bed.

"Yes and im glad. Now you can leave" I said as i lightly pushed him.

"Well now i dont wanna go" Joel pouted. "I wanna stay with you guys"

"Too bad. Dont worry we'll be fine. Me and the baby have Johann and Yoandri"

"I can already imagine our baby with Johann. You're not gonna let him babysit right?"

" Of course not" i said with a laugh.

"Okay good. Shouldnt we be thinking about names?"

"I have a few boy names in mind"

"Which are?"

"Yohannel" i laughed.

"Hell no" Joel said and made a face.

"Well shit i cant my son after my three boys?"

"Babe thats our ship name" Joel said as he gave me his really look.

"Im only kidding. Id never name my son that" i said as i hit him on the arm.

"Anyways what are the names you had in mind?" he asked.

"Well i really think Luis has to be some where" i said with a smile.

Joel couldnt help but put his head down and smile. "Wow really? My grandfathers name never came to mind" he said.

"It did in my mind" i said as i kissed his cheek.

"Thanks bebe. It really means a lot. I was thinking maybe making Luis his middle name" Joel said.

"Como quieras. Wait what time is it?" i asked.

"Like ten. Why?"

"Dont you have to be at the airport in like thirty minutes?" I asked.

"Babe i swear ever since you came into my life, me and the guys are always late to the airport" Joel said with a laugh as he stood up.

"Just run around and say that im about to give birth" i said with a small giggle.

"Nah ill do what i did last time. I'll turn the alarm off. Im too lazy to run around" he said as i stood up also.

We walked to the living and i sat down on the couch as Joel turned the alarm on. As soon as it turned on, everyone came down stairs fleeing.

"Not again Joel" Richard said.

"Hehehe" Joel said.

"Joelito no seas asi" Johann said rubbing his eye.

"Well okay Johann, Yoyo, and Lizbeth can go back to sleep" Joel said.

"Wait why only us?" Yoandri asked as he places his head on Lizbeths shoulder.

"You guys arent the ones who have to be at the airport in 30 minutes" Joel said.

"Joel!" Erick, Christopher and Zabdiel said in unison.

"Hes right chamaquitos go get your things ready" Richard said. "Ive been up"

Erick, Zabdiel, and Christopher went running back up stairs along with Elsa and Yaya.

"Renato va estar aqui en 20 minutes so you better hurry!" Joel shouted.


"I dont want to leave you" Joel said as he hugged me.

"Joey ill be fine. Trust me Yoyo and Johann and the girls will be with me" i said.

"Vamos chicos apurenle" Renato said.

I gave Joel one last kiss and hug. He knelt down and kissed my belly. I started to say good bye to the rest of the guys and the crew. As the were walking towards the escalators, Joel dropped his stuff and ran back to me and gave me one last hug. I kissed him goodbye as he walked away.

"Hes not gonna last a day without you" Yoandri said.

"I know" i said. "Hes gonna be calling me every single second of the day"

"Come on lets go home" Elsa said.

We all walked out the airport together and made our way back to the CNCO house.


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