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I've Always wanted to do this so drop your questions for the cast :) Let me know if you would like me to add a person. also u can add a question whenever !!


Q: whens book 2 coming out sis?
A: Not really sure yet.. i think maybe when i'm halfway done with ILWAC

Q: what inspired you to write this beautiful story?
A: I got tired of making just imagines so bam..

Q: would you change anything about this book ?
A: I've actually never thought of that.. so i'm not so sure.

Q: what could we expect from book 2?
A: A LOT... So make sure to hold your wigs tightly .

A: Well... Joel proposed when they were in Perla's hometown in front of her whole family. Zabdiel proposed to Elsa when they took a trip to Puerto Rico when they were having dinner.. Christopher proposed to Yaya at the house... Richard proposed to Yocy when they were visiting Yoceylns family.. Yoandri proposed on the beach during a sunset... Erick proposed to Nad when they were in Cuba and last but not least, Johann proposed to Daisy at a flower garden.


Q: oh hi! first impression of everyone ? like what exactly was going on in your brain
A: Honestly pretty shook and kind of weirded out because i had no idea who i was living with.

Q: Where you jealous when Yoandri started seeing someone
A: It was my pregnancy hormones talking lmao.. on the inside i was shooketh as fuck and happy.

Q: how many children are you planning to have ?
A: Honestly i don't know. I have 3 now and we're pretty young so i mean.. IDK lol.. as many as the author wants me to have i guess.


Q: OMG HI HI ! What made you fall for perla completely and in what moment did you knew that you wanted to spend your entire life with her?
A: Honestly i just knew from the start. I felt like i connected to her instantly... Plus also we ended up having Luis Andres so i knew she was my soul mate.


Q: hi babes ! ever cheated on lizbeth? aka me and where do you think you would be right now if you would of never met her! A: Hey love!! and nope i'm not a cheater.. Honestly i think i would just be the single cool uncle.

Q: also what made you fall in love with her ?
A: It was your kindness that really made me feel loved that day at Walmart.

Q: did you got mad at Joel when you found out that he was dating your sister
A: Honestly i don't even know. It was just so quick and sudden and unexpected that i had no idea how to process it.


Q: why did you scared poor little Andre like that!? you big head jk but WHY
A: I told him it was a joke!! Next thing i knew Perla threw her slides one by one at me. Also she literally took Joels off too and threw them right at me.


Q: HI ! how did you manage to get back together with Yocelyn ? you did something romantic or what? and why did you guys even broke up in the first place.
A: Well i guess we just talked things out and everything. Our feelings for each other were always inside of us. We just broke up because i made La banda and we had gotten into a silly argument about something and hid our feelings away. (Of course not true bc as yall know Yocelyn got herself a new mans 7-7)


Q: YOU'RE TRULY SO BEAUTIFUL I CANT EVEN BUTTTTT would you like to have more kids in the future ?
A: Thank you so much! And yeah of course i do. I know Richard does and ever since Justin was born Aaliyah has already been begging for another sibling.


Q: HI CUBANITO ! Did you ever had a crush on ms perlita aka perla
A: HIII!! And, Nope never. She was my big sister since the day she stepped foot in the house.



Q: dude hi ! who's older you or Yaya hermosa ? Also dude ya tengan mas hijos no?
A: Wassup!!! And i'm older. I want like 5 kids but Yaya wants 3 smh.


Q: OMG YAYA ILY ANYWAYS would you ever want to have more kids ? and if so how many?
A: Aww thank you!! And more kids, i think so. I only want 3 but Christopher wants like a dozen.. I think the next baby after Perlita will be my last.


Q: How did you end up with a perfect girl like Elsa?
A: I don't know, i just happened to meet you love

Q: How did you get so hot?
A: I hit the gym. You usually come with me mi amor

Q: zabdiel, pa cuando Los otros ninos ?
A: Elsa quiere 4... so in like the next book.


Q: Omg ur my favorite character😍 when are you and zabdi gonna have another child ??
A: Hi me!! and welp just wait for the good surprises in book 2 :)


Q: you still work at Walmart? or ?
A: Nope. Yoandri made me quit when i got pregnant with the twins. Man and i really like working there. I loved getting all the extra discounts on candy after Valentines day.

Q: was the night that yall made Noah romantic or ?
A: Uh-umm.. yeah umm.. Ask Yoandri... NEXT QUESTION.

Q: Did it hurt when you had Noah
A: Kinda.. i thank the lord for epidural

Q: OH HI HI ! first impression on Yoandri and what made you fall for him?
A: He was so adorable and genuine.. He still is of course but it really caught my attention when i met him.


Q: Who are ur booboo friends?
A: Uhh...


Q: Aaliyah you are litterarly so adorable ! how did you felt when your parents got together ? and how do you feel about your new sibling ?
A: thank you! I felt really happy when Papi came home with Mami i was really happy. I love Justin so much.. I hope Mami has another baby.


Q: Did you punch Johann ? and if not could you pls punch him when you get older
A: Momma threw her shoes and Dada's shoes at him. I think it's okay. He needs mercy.


Q: You have such a pretty name. Who are your parents?
A: Hi mommy!! Please stop acting like a stalker.. I love you

Q: are you embarrassed of your mom for being such a "stalker" ?
A: Mommy loves me way too much. So it's in between.


Q: do you want a new baby brother or sister?
A: I have a sister already.. So i guess it doesn't matter to me

Q: who do you love more ? your mom or your dad ? LMAO
A: Uhh mommy, daddy i love you both..


Q: hi baby ! ily <3
A: Hi mommy i love you too.

Q: how do you feel about your mom's pregnancy?
A: Very happy since i get one brother and one sister. (Spoiler)

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