Chapter 50

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"Do you have any idea when Richard will bring Aaliyah today? I got her a present since its her birthday" i said as i was changing the radio station in the car.

"Im not sure. Him and Yocy might take her out some where" Johann said.

"Im just glad they got back together. My gut always told me it was meant to be" i said.

"Same. You have your seat belt on right?" he asked me.

"Of course" i said as i pulled the thing from the strap.

"Im surprised you're not complaining about it" Johann said with a chuckle.

"Shut up" i said with a smile. "Also Joli you wont be single for ever. Ill find you someone"

"Perla i dont want a relationship now" he sighed.

"I know you do. Dont play dumb" i said.

"Oh trust me i have plenty with you and the baby. Quieres que cuide a ti y al bebe o a la novia?"

"You can multi task" i said.

"Nana im okay being single. It just isnt my time yet" He said.

"Ya estas viejo"

"Wow how offensive" he said placing his hand on his heart.

I giggled. "Honestly, just start dating. I want a niece or nephew"

"Y los de Yaya and Elsa?"

"Still, quiero mas" i said.

Johann then out of nowhere hit the brakes. The car quickly stopped and luckly we were both wearing seatbelts. There was a car accident ahead of us and loads on traffic.

"Nana are you okay? Is the baby good?" he asked worriedly.

"Yes yes we're fine. Are you?" i asked as i caught my breath.

"Yes im okay too" he said.

"Jojo go around"

"I wish i could but the way to go around is full of traffic. We just have to wait"

"Fuck i didnt bring my phone" i said as i looked through my purse.

"Mierda, neither did" Johann said as he smacked the steering wheel.

"Joel will loose his shit if we dont call him. Now wha-" i said as i got cut off by a loud noise.

Before i even realized it, a car hit us from the back. My head jerked up hitting the air bag. It hurt so much my eyes started to water.

"Johann!" i exclaimed as i saw him unconscious with his head leaning on the steering wheel.

I shook him but he still wouldn't wake up. I placed my fingers on his neck and luckily, he still had a pulse. I took my seatbelt off and got out of the car trying to look for help. A lady came out of her car and called 911.

I opened Johanns door. I sat on his lap and held him in my arms.

"Johann please wake up" i whispered as i burried my face into his neck. "We need you just please wake up"

I got up because i felt so much pain all of a sudden.

"Excuse me miss are you okay?" the lady asked me.

"I-i- im okay" i stuttered as i had my hands around my stomach. "My brother hes the one who needs help"

It was that moment i knew i wasnt okay. I had a tingly sensation from between my legs. I looked down and saw blood. I fell to my knees and placed my arms around my stomach. It didnt take me long to realize i was going into labor.


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