Chapter 53

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**The next day August 2nd

"Im so glad Alex is letting us leave early" i said as i put Andre in his car seat.

"Hes cool. I expected the doctors to be jerks" Joel said as he packed mine and Andre's things.

"Ready to go kid?" Doctor Karrev said as he walked in.

"So ready" i said with a laugh. "Thanks for convincing Doctor Robbins for letting us go early"

"No problem. If i hadnt stayed over night, you'd still be in that bed" Doctor Karrev said. "I just need you to sign the discharge papers an- Oh did you sign the birth certificate?" he asked Joel.

"This morning i did" Joel said as i signed my discharge papers and handed it to Doctor Karrev.

"You're all set to go. See ya around kids" Doctor Karrev said.

"Thanks Alex. See ya" i said as he walked out. "Ready babe?" i asked Joel.

"Lets go" he said as he got Andre and made our way out.


"We set Andre's crib in Joels room" Erick said.

"We didnt know in what room you wanted it in so we just set it up there" Yoandri said.

"Thanks guys" Joel said as i walked into his room with the baby.

Trust me this isnt my first experience with babies. I used to help my tias with my little cousins a lot when i was younger. I placed the baby on Joels bed for a second as i set up his bed sheets for his crib. Once i finished i removed him carefully from his car seat since he was fast asleep and i didnt wanna wake him up. I placed him softly on his crib and covered him with the homemade blanket my mom sent me a few weeks ago.

I called my mom yesterday before i went to sleep. Lets just say i got a huge lecture for not calling her right away and letting her now if i was alright. She was already mad at me for going with my dad for a week back in October. Yeah i didnt tell her and i wasnt planning to. The only reason she was mad because she was scared i would've gotten killed back home. 

One of my nosey annoying tias probably told her which pisses me the fuck off when they get in my business and want to go chismiar. Like i remember one time, i was in like 7th grade and i skipped school with some of my friends and one of my tias saw me walking and told my mom. Next thing i knew, the cops were hunting us down l-m-f-a-o. I find it funny because at that point i really didnt care.

 When i was starting 4th grade, i moved to the hood. Moving made me be the person i am today. Lets just say I was never well behaved in school. I never really cared if i got in trouble. I got into fights, vandalized property, i smoked in school, sent a kid to the hospital and had even joined a gang. 

One of the reasons my mom didnt want me to go back because she was afraid i would get killed by someone in the gang i was in. I had left in good terms either way so i knew i would've been fine. I guess thats also why you could say my moms ex hated me. Yeah and because of him i was even more fucked up. I was just a real pain in the ass period. 

I guess when i moved to L.A i changed a little bit also. I stopped smoking and i got my act together. Actually i changed completely. When i met Joel i changed so much. I did it for him. He knows all about my past and he says he doesnt care. He only cares about now and not the past.

Before Alex went to get Andre from me yesterday i looked at him. I started to think about how hes gonna be when he gets older. I want him to be able to trust me with things and talk to me and Joel about anything thats on his mind. When i was in high school, i always told myself that when i have kids, i'd want them to have a better childhood then i did. Now, i have Andre and im already thinking about his future. I just dont want him to suffer like i did when i was younger.

Out of no where i sat on the bed and cried. I cried softly so i wouldnt wake him up. I never thought of having a baby this early. Im not saying my son is a mistake because he isnt. Im just scared for his future. I dont want him to go through the things i went through. Also, im terrified of having the world know my son. He'll grow up around cameras and paps all the time. 

Today when we left the hospital, there were a bunch of people and fans outside waiting. There was a lot of love from some people but there was also so much hate. Someone even wished my son would've died. Joel went off on that girl and lets say its not looking good for him on Twitter. A person got it on camera and now its going viral. 

"Babe whats wrong?" Joel asked as he walked in.

"I-im- nothing really. Just started thinking about stuff but dont worry im fine really" i said as i wiped my tears away.

"If you say so. The girls got food if you wanted to eat" he said.

"No im fine for now. Im gonna wait until the baby wakes up so i can feed him" i said.

"He'll be fine. Just turn the monitor on and come eat" Joel said as he kissed my lips. "I hate seeing you cry"

"I know and im sorry. We're in enough trouble already and i guess its stressing" I said.

"Im sorry again for going off. I know i dont usually do that but i couldnt just let her insult Andres" he pouted.

"I know i know. I was about to square up but i had the baby and Renato told me to not even think about saying anything" i said. "If i didnt have Andre though, boy i would've not cared at all and i would punched her right in the face"

"Exactly so i took care of it" Joel said with a sarcastic smile.

"Which made it even worse" I said sarcastically.

"Its fine. I can take it. But come one lets eat im hungry" Joel said with a chuckle.

I got the baby monitor and turned it on. We closed the door gently and went to the dinning room.


A/n; I cant believe im saying this but this book is finally coming to an end omg.. a few more chapters left :(

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