Chapter 29

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Perla's pov;

I was walking down the sidewalk on my way to the beach. It was a nice warm day and there were loads of people at the beach. Thats until i fell over this small rock and hurt my toe. Then i realized i was at the place where i met Joel. I sat on the rock and started to think about life. I thought after we trapped Luis everything would be over, but was i ever so wrong. I had my face buried in my knees. Then i felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see a girl who looked about my age.

"Hey are you ok?" the girl asked.

"Um well, no im not" i said.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Well its a really long story. So lets just put it this way. My boyfriend got kidnapped and a whole bunch of other stuff " i said.

"Damn that must be really hitting you huh?"

"Yeah it really has"

"Im assuming you came from the police station right?" The girl asked as she sat next to me on the rock.

"Yeah i just couldnt be there anymore. It kept driving me crazy"

"Damn. Well my name is Yadira but everyone calls me Yaya" she said.

"Im Perla. Its nice to meet you Yaya" i said with a small smile.

"Were you with anyone at the station?"

"Yeah i was with all my friends and brother"

"Dont you think they're looking for you right now?"

"Yeah, my brother is probably loosing his shit right now" i said with small laugh.

Yaya laughed. "If you want i can walk you back to the station"

"No no no im not going back there. Can i use your phone to call him?" i asked.

"Sure thing" Yaya said as she handed me her phone.

I started to dial Yoyo and after the first ring he answered.

Phone call

Yoandri: Hello?

Me: Yoyo its me

Yoandri: Perla! Where are you at? Where did you go? Are you ok?

Me: Yoyo chill im fine i just needed air. And im at the rock where i met Joel. You know where it is right?

Yoandri: No i dont know. Remember i met you guys at the parking lot. Just meet me there im on my way.

Me: Ok ill see you in a bit.

Yoandri: Be careful. I love you.

Me: Dont worry i will and i love you too.

**End of call

"Wow it sounds like you and your brother are really close" Yaya said.

"Yeah we are super close" i said handing her phone back.

"Did he want you to wait for him somewhere?"

"Yeah by the parking lot"

"If you want i can wait with you"

"Sure thanks"


Joels pov;

"So yeah thats how i met Perla" i said.

"That is just so heart warming" Carlos said as he wiped his tears away.

"Wow. Love at first sight" Alex said.

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