Chapter 57

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April 23, 2021.

"Mis munchkins!" i exclaimed as i ran towards the play room where all the kids were.

"Momma!" my son exclaimed as he tumbled me over. My back will hurt much more now thanks to him.

Eaden, Desiree and Aaliyah decided to join Andre by also getting on top of me.

"I missed you so much Tia" Aaliyah said as she hugged me very tightly. "Wheres my mami and papi?" She asked.

"They're putting their maletas up in their room mija, go up stairs" i said as she quickly ran towards the stairs.

"Where dada?" my son asked.

"Mommy" Desire said as she pulled on my shirt along with Eaden.

"Momma is outside still and so is dada Andre. Come on" i said as i picked Desiree up and held Eadens hand as Andre walked beside him.

I opened the main door and saw Zabdiel and Joel with the luggage.

"Papi!" Desiree exclaimed as i put her down and ran towards Zabdiel.

"Mi reyna!" he exclaimed and picked her up.

"Dada!" Andre exclaimed as he ran to Joel.

"My boy!" Joel exclaimed back and picked him up.

How did i get lucky with such a beautiful family?

"Come on Eddy, lets go find mommy and daddy in the car" i said as we continued to walk.

As we walked to the drive thru, i saw Christopher and Yaya having a moment and it honestly looked like they were gonna eat each other. I picked Eaden up and covered his eyes.

"Guys it would be nice if you didnt eat each other in your sons presence" i said with a laugh.

They let each other go.

"Wow thanks for the heads up" Christopher said.

"Momma" Eaden said.

"Mi bebe!" Yaya exclaimed as i gave her Eaden.

"Okay now im gonna go find my son and my husband. And you're welcome" i said.

They completely ignored me and kept hugging Eaden. I rolled my eyes and walked back to the house.

When i got inside i saw everyone except Yaya and Christopher, in the playroom. Joel was playing with Andre, Aaliyah was telling Yocelyn and Richard about how it was like when they were gone, Desiree was playing pattycake with Zabdiel while Elsa recorded, and Lizbeth and Yoandri  were playing with Noah.

"Momma" Andre said as he tugged my shirt.

"Yes baby?" I asked.

"I miss you an Dada" he said.

"We missed you so much also" i said as i kissed his cheek.

Most of our parents came into the room except the dad crew since they all left a day after the wedding except for Richards dad. Then Yaya and Christopher came in with Eaden.

"How were the kids?" I asked.

"They were good" my mom said.

"Are you sure Eaden wasn't fighting with Andre again?" Yaya asked.

"Si mija segura" My mother in law said.

"Did Desiree try to take Aaliyah's dollies?" Zabdiel asked.

"Not at all. They were playing house together with the boys. Except Noah of course" Noemi said.

"Kids you know what this means?" Yoandri asked.

They looked at us with their sparkling eyes. So adorable.

"Aaliyah and Desiree las vamos a llevar a un spa day con tus mami's!" Joel said.

The girls were jumping up and down and went to hug Joel. Adorable.

"Andre and Eaden, since you both didnt fight, we're going to the arcade con sus papi's!" Richard said.

The boys were just as excited as the girls and went to hug Richard.

"Ya comieron?" Johann asked our parents.

"Si apenas acabamos de comer con los niños" Doña Yenny said.

"Pero yo tengo hambre" Christopher said with a frown.

"Amor pero you ate un sandwich en el camino" Yaya said.

"I dont find it at all weird" Daisy said. "He ate my sandwich too"

"Pues hijos vayan a comer" Richards dad said.

"Yeah guys lets go. Im staving" Naydelin said.

"We'll stay with the kids longer" My mother in law said.

"Are you sure?" Christopher asked.

"Yes now go" Ericks mom said with a laugh.


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