Chapter 32

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Perla's pov:

I woke up wrapped around Joels arms. I got out of his grip and got up from his bed. I was on my way to my room to get some clothes to take a shower. When i walked in i saw the girls already awake.

"Hey sleepy head" Elsa said.

"Well good morning birthday girl" Yaya said.

"Yeah sure, good morning, hi. Im trying to figure out what we're doing today" I said.

They both shrugged their shoulders.

"You better go ask Richard" Elsa said.

"Oh come on tell me" i whined.

"Nope. Go to Richard, Yoyo or Christophers" Yaya said. Literally when she said Christopher i could see her eyes sparkle.

"Ugh fine ill go" i said as i walked out the room and shut the door behind me.

Richards room was literally in front of mine. I knocked on the door and opened it. He was still sleeping peacefully.

"Richard wake up!" i shouted.

"Aaliyah cuidado con el enchufe!!" Richard shouted as he sat up. (got tht from a meme lmfaoo)

"Oh my gosh mono its a dream" I said as i laughed hysterically.

"Not funny nenita" Richard said as he scratched his eyes and as i layed down on his bed like a little girl.

"What are we doing today?" i asked with a sarcastic smile.

He layed back down next to me and faced me. Of course not so close to me but from a small distance.

He smiled also. "Go ask Christopher"

"Please tell me" i said.

"Christopher" he repeated.

"Ugh fine" i said as i got up and left his room.

I walked won the hall and turned to my right to Christophers room. I knocked and went in and of course he was snoring his heart out.

"Christopher wake up" i shook him.

"What?" he said with his morning voice.

"What are we doing today?" i asked as i sat down on his bed.



"Go ask him" he said and turned around going back to sleep.

"Oh my gosh just tell me already"

"No, ask Yoyo" he said.

"Ugh i hate you all" i said with a laugh and left his room.

Yoandri's room was right next to his. I didnt even knock. Im just too desperate to know. I walked in and say him laying in his bed on his phone.

"Good morning hermanita" he said nervously as he put his phone down quickly.

"What did you do?" i asked.

"Nothing" he said nervously again.

"What were you doing?"


"Cabrera i will soon find out. Anyways, what are we doing today?" i asked as i jumped on his bed and put my head on his chest.

"I swear you act like a toddler" he said with a laugh. "And we're just gonna go out. Have fun, then we'll have dinner somewhere special"

I smiled. "You're so cheesy. Thanks Yoyo"

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