chapter 3

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Then all of a sudden, i felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked up and saw...

I looked up and saw this cute looking boy about my age. Shirtless to be exact.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yes, i guess you can say that." i said wiping off my tears.

"Well, by the way you're crying, it doesn't look like it. A gorgeous girl like you shouldnt be in tears" he said with a smile as he wipped a tear off my cheek.

He sat down next to me as he put on his shirt.

"Well my i know it isnt none of my business but, what happened? If you dont want to talk about it its fine" he said.

"No its fine. Well i got in a fight with my step dad and things got big and he decided to kick me out the house. He didnt let me take anything. Not even my phone or things ive paid for. And also because i told him su pinche miserable vida and some other stuff i kinda dont want to talk about" i said kind of starting to tear up.

"Wow. Im sorry for everything you're going through. It must be tough having a step dad. But why did you tell him that?" he asked.

"Because hes a bitch. Hes always been a bitch. Hes never changed or is ever gonna change. Ive been living hell for the past 11 years of my life. I-Ive lost myself completely" i said starting to tear up again.

"Dont cry anymore, please. I cant stand a beautiful girl like you crying. A girl like you shouldnt be going through all of this" he said pulling me in for a hug.

"Its just. I cant even express how i feel." i said as i hugged him back.

"Its alright. Sometimes we all just have days where we dont even know how to react or even feel.
And by the way. I forgot to introduce myself" he said with a chuckle. "My name is Joel Pimentel. And you are?"

"Im Perla Guevara. Nice to to meet you Joel"

"Nice to meet you too. And what a beautiful name for a a beautiful girl like you" he smiled

"Thank you" as i smiled back to him.


I spent all afternoon talking to Joel. He told me about his life. How he was in this show called La Banda and how he won and how he was now in this famous boy band called CNCO. Ive only heard of them but i didnt really know who they were. It made me feel a whole lot better. It felt like ive been knowing him forever. I quickly felt his trust just like i did with Yoandri yesterday. Oh my gosh speaking of Yoandri i totally forgot i had to meet with him.

"Hey Joel, you dont happen to know anyone named Yoandri Cabrera?"

"Big ears? Known as elephant? Known as Yoandrina, Yoli or yoyo?"

"Yes thats him!"

"Yes i know him hes like my bestfriend. Why?"

"Well as i was flying here from Texas, Yoandri was next to me on the plane and we quickly became friends and he was supposed to show me around today but. You already know the rest" i said.

"Oh wow. Yup thats Yoyo" he chuckled. "Ill text him for you right now and see what he says"

*text screen*
Joel: Aye wya guey?

*3 seconds later*

YoYo😫💦: Well im on my way to pick up a friend? Y guey

Joel:Does she happen to be Perla Guevara?

YoYo😫💦: Si gueyy.. Wait.. How did uk?

Joel: Shes with me at the beach.. Come we'll tell u when u get here.. Drive safe guey 💋

YoYo😫💦: sure thing papi😉.. Be right there

*textting ends*

"Well Yoyo said he was on his way to ur house and, well just look" he said giving me his phone.

As i read the ending i was dead laughing. I swear they're legit bestfriend goals.

"Whats so funny?" he asks making a fake mad face.

"How you and Yoandri talk to each other" i laughed

"Yeah. I guess you can say we're in a relationship" he laughs.

"I can see that" i said as i handed him his phone back.

"I wanted to ask you something" he said.

"Sure go ahead" i said.

"Well since you have no where to stay. I-I was wondering if you-uh, wanted to come uh, live with me and the guys" he said.

"Joel i cant accept that. I know you want to help but i cant accept your offer" i said.

"Come on Pearl. I know it might be weird for you that theres only gonna be the guys and me there but tell me, where were you planning on staying?"

"I- I- I" i kept stuttering.

"Exactly, as i thought. But come on please? Its gonna be fun. We're gonna help you get your mind off things when your with us. Well make you happy" he said with a smile. Like oh my gosh that smile is killing me right now.

"Joel, Ugh fine. Only because i feel that i can trust you" i said.

"Yes!" he said said as he sprinted up from the rock. And then all of a sudden picked me up and spinned me in the air.

"Joel!" i giggled. "Put me down"

"Right, Sorry, Got a little excited there" he chucked. "Lets go walk to where Yoandri is gonna meet us so the poor thing doesnt have to walk around and find us"

"Oh my gosh Joel. Yoyo is a human being not a thing" i laughed.

"Once you see him in action, then you'll agree with me" he said as he looked at me with huge eyes. Those beautiful eyes.

"Alright then. Come one" i said as i lead the way almost to the parking lot where we meet Yoandri.


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