chapter 2

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It was morning. I woke up it was barley even 9. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After i went downstairs to get food. My step dad and my mom were already sitting at the table eating.

"Good morning" i said

"En esta casa se habla en español niña" my step dad said.

"No soy una niña. Ya tengo 17 años. O sea que te pasa Luis? No pudes ver o que?"

He got up and walked towards me. He was about to slap me until my mom steped in.

"Luis ya calmate. Ya sabes lo que va pasar si te pones asi. Calmate" my mom said.

"No Valeria. No me voy a clamar. Esta chamaca no tiene educación y ella-" my mom cut him off.

"En algo si tiene razon. Ya no es una niña Luis. Ella sabe lo que hace y lo que no hace. Acuérdate lo que te dijo tu hermana hace 4 años. Preocuparte por ti, no por ella. Ella es mi hija y mi problema. Vete a tu cuarto Perla"

I ran to my room in tears. I was remembering everything that has happened throughout my life. I changed out of my pajamas.

Then all of a sudden i heard screaming from down stairs. I decided to stay put in my room. I didnt want to take that risk and live that moment again. Then my door slammed opened. It was my step dad with my mom behind him.

"Vete ala chingada de esta casa. No vuelvas mas. No te llevas nada. Ni telephono. Te me vas como andas. Querias ponerle mas chile a la salsa orale pues mijita"

"Luis calmate, no sabes lo que dices ve-" i cut my mom off

"No mami. Esto es la que siempre ha querido. Sorry ya no me puedo quedar aqui. Ten el pinche telefono. Tu ni lo pagas. Nunca lo has pagado en tu pinche miserable vida" i said as i was walking out of my room to the front door in tears.

"Como me dijistes?" he said with anger.

"Que nunca has pagado mi teléfono en-tu-pinche-miserable-vida" i said slowly word for word and walked out.

I had no idea what i was gonna do. I totally forgot i was gonna meet up with Yoandri today. Ugh im such an idiot for giving him the phone. I was in tears.

As i was walking out of the neighborhood i noticed that the beach wasnt far from here. I ran all the way there since i didnt want to be there anymore.

When i got to the beach i took a walk. I started to cry again because the thoughts of everything ive been through and everything thats happened in my life. I sat down on one of the rocks with my arms on my knees and my head laying on my arms. I started to cry even more harder. Then all of a sudden, i felt someone poke me. I looked up and saw...

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