Chapter 14

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**In the hotel room

Joel's pov;

Me and Erick got to our room and we just watched tv. When im not with Yoandri im usually with Erick and hes like my other best friend. I just cant keep all this thats going on inside be inside me. I have to tell him.

"Erick?" i said.

"Que pasa?" he asked.

"Well i want to talk about something but..."


"Well um Perla. We umm, kissed.." i said.

"Aw Joelo"

"Erick its cause shes my bestfriends sister and I-I-"

"Mira, do you like her?"

"Yes. Very much"

"Does she like you back? Does she show she likes you?"

"Yes and yes"

"Then asked her out on a date tonto"

"Pero Erick, i already told you, shes my best friends sister"

"Y luego? That shouldn't stop you. You like her she likes you. I really dont see a problem"

"Pero what if Yoyo lo mira mal?"

"Well i cant answer that because you havent told him anything"

"Erick de verdad, la amo. I remember our first kiss on the ferris wheel"


"Well umm, I guess you could say that" i said scratching the back of my head.

"How many times?"

"About three. I think"

"Ay guey, you think?"

"Shut up cubano. I just cant remember if it was three or four" i laughed. "But i swear, i know its too soon but i already love her so much" i said throwing myself on one of the beds.

"Well true it is soon but Joel she needs someone right now. She has so much hate and sadness inside. I can literally see it in her eyes. She needs someone like you Joey. She needs someone to help her heal all that she hate inside"

"Yeah i know. I swear her step dad is gonna pay for what hes done to her and her mom"

"Yeah Yoyo told me everything. Hes a jerk for doing all that to her. And i dont know if you've noticed but ive seen the scars on her arms"

"Yeah i know. I caught her the other day with the blade in her hand."

"Pero porque? Why the blade?"

"Her step dad took a picture of me and her when we kissed and when Zabdigave her the small hug after the skittles war and he said like have a good life as a prostitute and all other horrible things"

"Que malo. See Joey, in moments like that she needs you. Dont loose her. Shes a good girl and i know you'll treat her the way she needs to be treated"

"Thanks Erick. I really needed someone to tell me those words"

"De nada bro" he said as we did our handshake.

"I wonder how shes doing right now"


Perla's pov;

Me and Elsa have been talking all this time. Ive told her more about my life and shes one of the most understanding person i know. I told her about the other day and i just had to tell her about Joel.

"So then? What did you do?" She asked.

"I slapped his butt. Like i mean its so cute" i said with a squeaky voice.

"Perla you need jesus" she said laughing.

"Elsa trust me. You need jesus. You were talking about how big Zabdiels butt is for 10 minutes" i said.

"Shut up" she said slapping my arm.

"What its true" i said laughing.

"Ok anyways, what are you gonna do with Joel?" she asked.

"I honestly dont know. I just love him so much and i know i just met him but, hes different. Plus i cant anyways. Hes my brothers best friend" i said.

"Loca if you yall really love each other yall shouldnt be scared of what others say. And all the things you've told me about your life, you need someone else by your side helping you fight those battles" She said.

"I guess so, but what if Yoyo doesn't agree if we were to ever be something?" i asked.

"Well i kinda doubt it. Dont you think that he knows how much love you need now and how much you need someone else?" she asked.

"I-I guess so" i said.

"Then if Joel ever asks you out, go for it. Tell him yes" she said with a smile. "Whats important is how you both feel".

"Thanks Elsa. Honestly, thank goodness i met because ive probably would've lost myself by now and been here alone" i said.

"Your welcome and same here" she said as we hugged.


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