Chapter 26

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September 3rd, 2017

Perla's pov;

We are still in Miami and It's a week until my birthday. Im honestly excited because ill finally be a legal adult. I won't have to be under my moms custody. Ill be free.

Ive been talking to my mom often through FaceTime because i don't trust Luis at all. I dont text her because you never know if it might be him pretending to be my mom.

She told me all about his plan of arranging my marriage with Juanpa. Me and Juanpa have been friends since i was in high school but we weren't that close but just friends. I wonder if he knows about all this. Wait why havent i called him at all. I have his number. Im such an idiot. I grabbed my phone and looked through my contact's. I clicked on his thing and it said the number wasn't in service. Crap. I forgot to mention, i know everyone from the Caballero crew so it'll be easy to find Juanpa. How i know everyone? Well i was a major fan of them and at a meet and greet of theirs, my mom didnt pick me up because Luis was being extra that day and so they helped get home since it was a bit far and bam. We all became really close. But i havent talked to anyone of them in ages. Ill give Mario Ruiz a call. He lives with Juanpa so he should tell me his current number. I clicked on his contact and it started to ring.

Phone conversation:

Mario: Hello?

Me: Mario eres tu?

Mario: So soy yo? Quien habla?

Me: Soy yo Perla

Mario: Perla enserio eres tu?

Me: *laugh* si, si soy yo

Mario: wow. We've all missed you.

Me: Me too and i don't mean to be rude but lets talk later. The reason i called is because i really need to talk to Juanpa. I tried to call him but im guessing he changed his number.

Mario: its cool and orita Juanpa is in his cuarto. Want to talk to him ahora?

Me: Yes please. Thanks Mario.

Mario: De nada chula. Juanpa! Tienes una llamada!

Juanpa: Hello?

Me: Juanpa. Its me Perla.

Juanpa: Perla.. Ive been wanting to talk to you but Luis made me change my number so i wouldnt be able to reach you. And im guessing hes told you about our "marriage".

Me: yeah. He told me last week.

Juanpa: you have to believe me i don't want to do this. Im already happy with Lele and she doesn't know about this.

Me: its ok juanpa i believe you. Im happy with Joel too and he doesn't know either. But what are we gonna do?

Juanpa: La verdad, i have no clue. We have to throw him in jail.

Me:*scoff* you honestly want me to die right ?

Juanpa: Claro que no. You do have evidence of everything hes done right?

Me: Well yeah.

Juanpa: Then there you have thats like a life time in prisión. All of his illegal negocios and all that will throw him in a maximum security prison. When they ask for testigos bring Yoandri, me, Johann, Joel and most importantly your mom.

Me: I dont know Juanpa...

Juanpa: Do you want all this to end?

Me: Well of course.

Juanpa: Pues dont wait any longer then. Throw him in prison and talk to your mom about all this.

Me: Si ill talk to her and i hope she'll agree because i dont want to live under his rules anymore.

Juanpa: Todo se va acabar really pronto.

Me: I hope so. Bueno Juanpa, thats all i really had to talk to you about. Disculpa i called you in a bad momento when we should be talking all the time.

Juanpa: No te precupes its fine. I hope to see you soon though.

Me: Claro que si! Tell everyone i said hi and that los extraño mucho.

Juanpa: Yo les digo. Have a bonita tarde. Love you!

Me: Love you too Juanpa. Bye.

**End of conversation

I hope my mom FaceTimes me soon so i can really talk to her about this. I need to save her from that monster.


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