Chaper 7

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As we finished eating, the guys went to put their plates in the kitchen. Me as an educated girl i decided to wash them for them.

"Sis you know you don't have to wash the dishes" Yoandri said. "Our maid Rosa does them. She'll be here in a bit"

"Well ill clean them for her today so she can take a slight break" i smiled at him.

"What ever you want hermanita" he said as he kissed my forehead and walked away.

Like Yoandri is the best brother i could ask for. Even though i just met him two days ago i already love him so much as a brother. He knew everything thats was going on. He knew the whole story of our family.. Its just it hurts me that my mother didnt tell me the truth even though it was for Yoandri's safety.

After i finished washing the dishes i went to look for Yoandri. He was in the living room with the rest of the guys. They were watching movies.

"Come join us Pearl" Christopher said.

"Ok" i said as i sat beside my brother. "So what are we watching?"

"Frozen" Yoandri said.

"Really guys? Really?" i said with a laugh.

"Yup. Now guys, shut up and watch the movie" Richard said.

We all laughed.


After the movie**

When the movie was over, Richard and Zabdiel were crying. We were all lauging at them because they were actually really crying, hard. We were all laughing at them until we heard a knock at the door. Rosa went to go open door.

"Si pasale. Chicos! Ricky esta aqui!" she yelled.

"Ricky!" all the guys yelled as they sprinted off the couch to Ricky. I went after them.

"Hola hola chicos. How are you guys?" Ricky said.

"We've been great actually and id like for you to meet someone" Yoandri said. "Ven dont be shy" he signaled me.

I walked up and stood next to my brother.

"Ricky this is my sister, Perla" Yoandri said.

"Es un placer conocerte Perla" he said as he extended his hand for me to shake. And as polite as i am, i shaked it back.

"El placer es mio" i said to him.

"I am very sorry for whats been happening in your family. Yoandri told me everything. You can stay as long as you need to" he said with a smile.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it" i said.

"Alright chicos no mas les vine a decir que salen a su gira en dos dias" Ricky said. "So que preparen sus cosas. Y Yoandri si los quieres acompañar al igual que tu Perla, pueden ir. A las differente partes que ustedes van a ir, uno de sus compañeros de La Banda los van acompañar en el escenario. Asi que prepárense"

"Wow En serio?" Richard said.

"Si claro. Algo differente que otros artistas" Ricky said. "Bueno ya me tengo que ir chicos. Que les valla bien".

"Thank you por dejarnos ir con los chicos" i yelled as he left the door.

"De nada mija. Acuerdate que esta es tu casa. Te lo aseguro que te la vas a pasar bien con los chicos" he yelled back with a smile.

"Gracias Ricky. Adios" i yelled back.

He waved back as he got into his car.

"Wow. So i guess we should get our things ready" i said.

"Yeah lets get our things ready right now and so tomorrow we can walk around" said Christopher.

"Yeah good idea. And we can show my sister around too. I owe her since i didnt get to take her the other day" Yoandri smiled.

"Great then lets start packing" Zabdiel said.


After we finished packing. It was already 5.  And the boys were already hungry and it hadnt even been that long since we ate. Rosa was already cooking something and i decided to go help her.

"Te ayudó Rosa?" i told her.

"Ni gracias mija. Ve con los chicos" she told me.

"Enserio con que te ayudo. Te quiero ayudar" i said kind of whinning.

"Bueno esta bien. Start chopping the lechuga" she said with a laugh.

"So how did you come to work here?" i asked.

"Well i really need this job. & i guess when i first met the boys it felt like they were my own kids. I love them all very much like if they were my sons. And they say im like their mother away from home" she said with a smile.

"Wow. But are they messy?" i said with a chuckle.

"Bueno. Todos son muy limpios. Pero Zabdiel is. Uff. Very disorganized" she said with a laugh.

I laughed also.

"And what about my brother?" i asked.

"Yoandri. Dios mio, es un angel de dios. Its like god sent your brother down to bring peace in this world"


"Hes very caring. Very clean also. He cares so much about others ever since his last break"

"What do you mean? Yoandri had a girl friend?"

"Yes mija he did. He loved her. But one day Yoandri found out she was cheating on him all the time they were in a relationship. She used him for fame. Ever since then he hasnt been serious with anyone. Thats why hes so caring to every girl. Mostly too you. When he found out you exsisted he was so excited. He always used to tell me "Rosa Rosa im gonna meet my sister soon. A little sister". He always told me that it was his dream to have a little sister to protect and love even though he wouldnt have a novia. And thats when he found you".

I was tearing up. I felt like breaking down in front of Rosa.

"Excuse me Rosa. I have to talk to Yoandri" i said wiping my tears away.

"Aw no llores mija. Orale go talk to him" she said wipping another tear i had.

I ran out the kitchen and went to Yoandri's room. He was sitting on his bed looking at his phone. I ran into his arms.

"What happened?" he asked as he caressed my hair.

"Its just i didnt know i meant so much to you"

"Rosa told you right?"

"Yes and im so sorry about what happened"

"Its ok but why are you crying?"

"Because. You're the best and only brother ive ever had and i dont want to loose you or the guys"

"Look your the best sister too. Why want a girlfriend when you have a sister. You might be my sister but your still my princess. If any guys breaks your heart, me and guys will break his face"

"Yoandri i love you so much" i said as i was hugging him tightly.

"I love you too Perlita" he said with a smile.

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