Chapter 4

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As we were waiting for Yoandri, me and Joel sat down at the bench. I never thought i would meet amazing people like them. Sweet, amazing, caring and very funny. I felt different when i was with. Mostly with Joel.

We saw Yoandri pull up on the parking lot. He parked his car and bolted out of it, running to me.

"Perla que paso? Are you ok? Did he hurt you? Did he try to hurt? QUE PASO NENA?!" he said practically yelling.

"Yoyo chill" i said "and thats a no to the fir- wait on second thought, he did try to slap me"

Yoandri looked so shocked. I saw disappointment in his face.

"Guys. Get in the car. We're going somewhere" he said in a faint voice.

I looked at Joel and Joel looked at me. We didnt say anything we just did as Yoandri asked.


It was silent the whole way no one said a word to each other. I was in the front and Joel was in the back while Yoandri was driving. Then as Yoandri made a turn i realised this way looked fimiliar.. It was the way to my house.

"Yoyo, where are we going?" i asked

"Im gonna make things clear" he said.

"Make what clear?" Joel asked.

"Something i should've done when we started before we started La Banda" he said looking Joel through the mirror.

"Which is?"i asked dumbfounded.

"The truth" Yoandri said.

"The truth about?" i asked

"The truth about your family Perla" Yoandri said in a somewhat bothered tone.

Ouch i thought. He called me by my first name. What dont i possibly know about my family? What have they possibly been hiding from me?


We got to my house. I was still kind of scared to go in, but Yoandri made me go. Joel didnt say anything the whole way and didnt question Yoandri's actions. We got out the car and Yoandri knocked really hard on the door instead of using the door bell. He kept knocking really really hard non-stop.

"Yoyo stop. You're gonna hurt ur hand" i said as i grabbed his hand from the door.

"Yeah, right, sorry. I just want to get this over with. Theres already many secrets in this family. There shouldnt be anymore" he said.

"Yoandri what are you talking about?!" i said kind of yelling.

"Im not the right person to tell you. They have to tell you themselves" he said.

With that the door opened. My mom was there but not him.

"Ay mija. Gracias a dios que estas bien. Donde te metistes? Me tenias muy preocupada" she said trying to reach in to hug me. I rejected the hug.

"Mami si enverdad estabas preocupada porque no me fuistes a buscar? Ah pero como siempre, te quedaste con el" i said.

"Pasale y te cuento. Y no te preocupes el no esta aqui y tambien me presentas a estos jóvenes que estan contigo" she said.

"Si esta-" then Yoandri cut me off.

"Si hola Yoandri como estas? Bien como has estado? Si gracias por preguntar... Mama"

"Mama?" i asked dumbfounded.

"Pasale y vamos hablar de esto" my mom said.

We went inside the house and we sat down at the couch. My mom sat in front the couch in front of us and we sat on the other side. I sat in between Joel and Yoandri.

"Bueno, mija ya sabes que nos hubiera pasado si fuera a buscarte. Y pues-" i cut my mom off there

"No i dont care about him. You already know. I dont wanna know about that and most of all i dont care" i said talking really fast. "I want to know why Yoandri called you mama and why on my way here, he said that this family has many secrets".

"Well mija, remember that day at the airport, Luis was mad because you told him about Yoandri" she said.

"What?! He was actually mad?" Yoandri said.

"He was bothered" my mom told him.

"Well anyways. Yes i do remember. What does that have to do with anything?" i asked.

"Well mija. Yoandri is your brother.." she said

"What?!" i yelled.

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