Chapter 21

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Joel's pov;

"He used to touch me...." she said as her voice fainted.

With that i completely lost it in my mind. How dare he touch the love of my life. How could he? That dude has really lost his canicas. As those words escaped her mouth i immediately looked at Yoandri. The look in my eyes told him we have to go to California and find this dude. We were then on our way out.

"Joel, Yoandri please, dont leave" Perla said sobbing in Erick's arms.

"We have to. Im not letting him roam around California knowing he hurt you" Yoandri said.

"No. You dont understand! You dont know what hes capable of!" Perla exclaimed.

"Whats he gonna do?" I asked.

"He-he-he, could kill both of you" Perla said.

I walked to her and Erick. Erick let her go and i wrapped my arms around her.

"Princessa i would die for you" I said.

"Joel you cant go and find him, you guys have a concert in two days" She said.

"Screw the concerts" Yoandri said as he got closer to us. "What i care is that your safe and not at risk".

"Shes right" Richard said.

"Richard what the hell!? Are you literally putting the stupid concert over her?" i asked angrily.

"No Sherlock of course not. Im talking about if you go after Luis, he'll make her mom get her back" Richard said.

"De que hablas?" Yoandri asked.

"What he means is that Perla's only seventeen. She's not a legal adult yet. So her mom still has custody over her which means Luis would probably make her mom do something to bring her back to California as revenge" Zabdiel said.

"As much as i hate to admit it but he has a point. We cant let him take you away from us" Joel said.

"He'll do anything if i try to do anything against him" Perla said.

"How long until your birthday?" Elsa asks.

"About 2 weeks" Perla said.

"Its really close. So you're lucky you dont have to wait long" Yoandri said.

"Yeah i know. Look can we finally go to Joli's house? I want to see him after years since i haven't seen him" she said.

"Yeah lets give him a call" Yoandri said.

We didn't even hesitate to say no when she said she wanted to go to Johann's. She told us that she's has been knowing Johann longer than all of us.

Turns out they basically knew each other since they were little but he moved away to Miami for his dads job when he started high school while she was still in middle school. They were always in touch and now they're gonna see each other after a long time. He was always there for her and knew everything that was happening in her life and was always there to support her. He's basically like a brother to her.

Yoandri's Pov;

Im so glad Johann was there for my sister when i didnt have the chance. Johann is like my other bestfriend and im glad he was her big brother when i wasnt there for her. Perla's been wanting to see Johamn ever since we got here but we havent been able to because we've all been so busy. Best of this all he doesnt know she's here with us so, I texted him to see where hes at since he wasnt picking up my calls.

**Txt screen

Me: Joli wya?

Joli😅💦: Casa. Why?

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