Chapter 19

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~the next day

Joel's pov;

I cant believe Perla's my girlfriend now. Im just so happy to have her in my arms right now. She's sleeping like a baby right now and she looks so gorgeous. I got up and she didnt even wake up. Heavy sleeper much? I went to the restroom and then check my phone. I had 5 missed calls and a bunch of messages from Erick. He said he needed us to wake up because he needed to get clothes and that we have a interview in 15 minutes. I threw my phone some where and i quickly changed. I got Erick some clothes and i quickly got out the room and went to take them to Christophers room. When i got there i knocked

"It was about time you woke up sleeping beauty" Erick said as he opened the door.

"Whatever. Here" I said as i handed him his clothes.

"Thanks bro. You know i could've gone" Erick said.

"Nah Perla's still asleep. I didnt wanna wake her up" I said.

"So did anything go down last night?" Erick asked with a smirk.

"Do you seriously want Yoyo to kill me?" i playfully asked. "And no Of course not" i said.

"If he killed you for one day that'd be amazing" Erick said.

"Shut up Brian" i said.

"Well go back to your sleeping beauty, prince charming" Erick said.

"Wellcsee you later then" i said as we did our handshake.

I ran back to the room to find Perla still peacefully. Man she loves sleeping. As much as i dont want to, i have to wake her up. I sat on the bed and tapped her.

"Amor wake up" i said.

"Joel todavia no" She said in her morning voice. Gosh its so cute.

"Bebe i have to go to an interview soon" i said and with that she quickly got up.

"Huh? Interview? You're not gonna tell them about us right?!" she asked panicky.

"No of course not. Not yet. I have to talk to Renato about it" i said.

"No Joel please dont tell the fans. They'll hate me. They'll call me a hoe and a cualquiera and and-"

"Woah woah woah. Calm down babe. Take a breath"

She takes a breath.

"They wont hate you. Shoot they already love you knowing your Yoandri's sister. Shoot they've already made a bunch of fan pages of me and you even though they dont know about us"

"Still Joel. What about the ones who hate me for being Yoandri's sister. The ones who hate me because im always with you.."

"Dont worry about the haters. Wheres the Perla who doesn't give a damn about what people say?"

"That Perla doesn't wanna come out yet" she pouted.

"Shes gonna have to if she wants us to work out" i said with a smile.

"Joel shut up and kiss me"

"Well looks like som-"

I get cut off by her pulling me in straight to her lips.

Perla's pov;

I pulled Joel in to kiss me. He was getting on my nerves and i needed to shut him up. Hey dont get me wrong, i love him with all my heart but hes just too much sometimes. Currently we were in the middle of a huge make out session. I managed to get him to lay down on the bed which left me on top of him. I kept tugging on his hair for more. He then started kissing my neck and managed to find my sweet spot which made me let out a small moan.

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