Chapter 51

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The paramedics finally arrived. Two of them went to help Johann and two other paramedics came to me.

"My name is Alex Karrev and this is Meredith Grey. We'll be your doctors today" Alex said. (Im sorry i just had to put the Greys Anatomy Cast in this book😂😭)

"Tell us your name, age, and how many months are you?" Meredith asked.

"My name is Perla Guevara, im 18 and im exactly 7 months" i said. "Please tell me my bestfriend is gonna be okay"

"He'll be fine dont worry. Doctor Avery and Yang have it under control. I need a gury over here!" Alex exclaimed and they quickly got him one.

They both helped me up and i layed down on the gury.

"Do you think you'll make it to the hospital?" Meredith asks.

"Ye-yes i can. Please i need to call my boyfriend and my friends an-"

"Dont worry it'll be oka-" Meredith says

"We have a ringing phone over here. A black iphone 8 plus" Doctor Avery said as he cutt off Meredith.

"Its mine please bring it!" i exclaimed.

Doctor Avery quickly handed me my phone. I saw the caller id and it was Joel. I didnt at all hesitate and i quickly answered.

**Phone call

Joel: Babe where are you? Im worried.

Me: Joey a person hit us from the back. There was traffic and we got hit. Please dont hate Jojo.

Joel: Of course i wouldnt hes my bestfriend. I know it was an accident. Are you guys okay?

Me: Joel im fucking going into labor! The baby is coming!

Joel: How this early? What the hell!

Me: Baby calm down im the one who has to give birth not you! Bring everything we had ready for this day and meet us at the hospital. I have to go. Its starting to hurt so much.

Joel: Okay okay i love you baby

Me: I love you more

**End of call

"Alex, Meredith it hurts so much" i said as i dropped my phone to the ground.

"Just let me put an i.v in and we'll get ready to go" Alex said.

"Nana!" Johann shouted as he embraced me in a hug.

"Johann im so glad you're okay" i said as i kissed his cheek.

"Young man you need a bandage" Doctor Avery said.

"Im fine green eyes. I need to be with my bestfriend and my nephew now" Johann said.

"Young man please" Doctor Yang said.

"Christiana ill place the bandage. She only has him right now. Go help the others me and Alex got it" Meredith said.

"But Mer-"

"Christiana go!" Meredith exclaimed as they got me on the ambulance.

The doctors then ran to the people from behind us to help them.


"But how the hell do you not know if shes here?! This is the only hospital she would come to" said a familiar voice.

I looked closer and saw Joel.

"Joey we're over here!" i shouted loud enough for him to hear.

He quickly ran to me and Johanns side and kissed me on the lips.

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