Chapter 40

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Yoandri's pov;

Ive been at Starbucks for the past 2 hours with Lizbeth just talking. She texted me and i didnt hesitate on meeting her up. The Starbucks is just 5 minutes away from the CNCO house so why not?

These past two hours have been amazing just talking to her. Shes already seems like an amazing person by just having a conversation with her and we have so much in common. Wait its been two hours shit! I was supposed to be home two hours ago. Actually, no one has texted me so i guess it can wait.

"All this time we've been talking about other things and about me" Lizbeth said with a laugh. "Tell me more about you"

"Well, there isnt that much to tell. Ive told you im an artist and that i live with my sister and my friends who are also artists that are in a boy band" i said with a laugh.

"Speaking of your sister, how did everything go yesterday? Is she having a baby after all?" she asked.

"Yeah. Her baby daddy is my best friend. Which is a member of the boy band" i said.

"Wow i can just imagine how hard it must be. Does she receive hate and all that?" she asked

"Yeah she gets so much hate from the fans. Its sad that they dont accept her along with my other friends who date two other of the guys. My sister is the one who mostly receives hate since they found out about something they werent supposed to know" i said.

"Thats so sad. After all you've told me about your sister, she seems like a really good person"

"Yeah she really is. Hey do you wanna come meet everyone?" i asked.


Perla's pov;

"It looks like they're about to leave" Johann said.

"I cant believe hes been out on a date, while im here thinking about we're gonna do with his sobrina or sobrino" i said.

"Oh my gosh they're coming out!" Joel exclaimed.

"Abort mission!" Christopher exclaimed.

We were able to to hide behind these bushes that were beside us. He didnt see us but we managed to have a good view of where they were walking.

"He must've took an Uber" Yaya said.

"Same thing for the girl because they're not walking to a car" Erick said.

I saw Yoandri put his hand out for the girl as in to hold it. I cannot believe what im seeing but she accepted. They're holding hands!

"Do you guys see what im seeing?" Joel dramatically asked.

"And i though Erick was a gato" Johann said.

"Hey!" Erick exclaimed as he put his hands up in defense.

"I cant believe him" i said. "Pinche Güey mal agradecido"

"What are we waiting for? Lets get back in the car and follow them" Yaya said.

We quickly made our way back to the car and followed them at a distance.

"You dont think hes taking her to the house right?" Johann asked.

"Oh no they're gonna fuck" Christopher said.

"Christopher!" Yaya exclaimed as she hit his arm.

"Whaaat im only giving possible outcomes" Christopher said.

"Your possible outcomes arent helping" I said.

"Oh geez he is taking her to the house" Erick said.

"Shit he turned around. Everyone go under while i pass them!" Joel exclaimed.

We all ducked our heads and Joel quickly drove past them.

"That was close" Erick said.

"Holy chetos hes calling you Joey. Answer it coño!" i exclaimed at Joel.

"You do it im driving. Just put him on speaker" Joel said.

"Fine fine" i said as before i picked up Yoandri's call.

I slide the thing to answer the call and i put it on speaker.

"Hello?" Joel said.

"Potato hey. Are you guys finished talking to Renato?" Yoandri asked through the phone.

"Uh yeah it all went good at the end. He yelled at me for a bit and then we talked to Ricky and yeah. Its all good" Joel said.

"Are you guys at home yet?" he asked.

I shook my head as in to tell him no.

"No actually we came to uh, Starbucks real quick. Me, Perla, Joli, Erick, Yaya and Christopher. Everyone else is at home. Did you finish filming with Sam?" Joel asked.

"I uh we didnt film actually. It was just uh um meeting" Yoandri said nervously.

"Okay well, we'll see you at home then" Joel said.

"Yeah just hurry up because i have someone for you to meet" Yoandri said as  opened my mouth in shock.

"Sure bud, see you" Joel said.

"Bye" Yoandri said and i quickly hung up.

"Que carajos?" Johann said.

"Im shook" i said.

"He wants us to meet her. What the actual fuck" Yaya said.

"Im mentally not prepard" Johann said.

"He's growing up so fast" Christopher said fake crying.

"Just take the other way so he doesnt know we followed him" Erick said.

"Well we're gonna have to go back if we want him to believe we went to Starbucks" Joel said as he was making a U turn.

"Yes. Ive been craving a pink drink all day" i said.

"Yeah yeah sure pregnant lady" Joel said.


Yoandri's pov;

"Hey Elsa, where is Zabdi and Richard?" i asked with Lizbeth still holding my hand.

"Heeeey Yoyo. Shit Perla was ri- i mean there in the backyard" Elsa said sarcastically as she stuttered.

"Okay. And what about Perla?" i asked confused.

"Oh nothing" she said with a nervous laugh.

"Okay.. Well this is Lizbeth, a friend of mine. I wanted her to meet you guys" i said.

"Hi-hi nice to meet you" Elsa said.

"Nice to meet you too" Lizbeth replied back.

"We should head out to the back so Zab and Richard and meet her" i said.

"No! I mean nah you guys dont wanna go out back. Its a HUGE mess. You already know how Richard and Zabdiel get when they're in the pool" Elsa nervously chuckled. "You guys should wait here for the rest of the gang"

"That is true. When a Dominican and a Boricua are wrestling, we shouldnt interrupted that" i said with a laugh.

"Would you guys like something?" Elsa asked.

"Elsita i live here too you know" i scoffed. "Dont worry just go back out there and handle the match"

"Yeah uh right. Give us a grito when everyone else gets back home" Elsa said as she walked away.

"Got it" i said as i sat down with Lizbeth.

"That was a bit intimidating" Lizbeth said with a alugh.

"Weird right? She never gets like this" I said.

"We're home!" i heard Joel shout from the front door.


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