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Okay, so this just happened and it irks the entirety of my soul. So this girl had to leave he class room because someone came to get her. Okay, fine enough, but then these two people beside me looked up and say her and started talking about her.

They were like, "Ew why did she wear that?" Or "I hate people that wear that."

Like okay, you don't like it doesn't mean she doesn't. Why are you so pressed over it. If you don't like it, you don't wear it and let it be like that. She was trying to make you wear it or like it. I think people do the most unnecessary things yo.

Then they gonna say they don't care but you sure are acting like you care. I mean you are still talking about it. Why put forth such effort to talk about someone or something, "You don't care about." I mean leave it alone.

Everyone wants to talk about how they got haters on them, everyone is a hater. Well, include you self because that is all I hear.

Matter a fact, it's always the "cool people" talking about everyone. Nothing was wrong with what she was wearing. But whatever, people are gonna always act that way.

And I will end with a question ..

Do you know anyone who acts like this?


black girl ki.


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