🌿 About Yours Truly

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I know this is wayyyy overdue but I felt like I should tell you guys a little something about myself. Like y'all may now some things but here is the full "autobiography", just so you guys understand what I talk about a little bit better.

So to start my name is Kianna (some people call me Ki or Kiki) and I'm 15. I was born on March 26, 2002, in North Carolina. I'm about 5'5-5'6 so I guess you could say I'm at a pretty average height. My ethnicities consist of mostly Sub-Saharan African, and a little Irish & British and a couple of other things that are even as significant. I, of course, identify as a black female.

I lived with my mother, grandmother, and two uncles a good portion of my early childhood since my father stays in New York. I don't have any sibling that live with me but I do have a half-sister in New York and two half-brothers in Germany (all from my dad, I was my mother's only child). Since I lived with my uncles for a while I saw this as really close friends to me though sadly one of them died early this year (April 1, 2017).

Now I live with my mother and step-dad now and it's going pretty good. I really like him and I am truly blessed to have him in my life because he really introduced my mother and I, to a really good church and now we are faithful Christians (not that we weren't Christian before but we just didn't really go to church at all).

Now that you know I am Christian I am going to say that I'm not really the "typical Christian" as you should've read in one of my previous chapters. I also say that I am not that religious but more spiritual although I still read the Bible.

I think I do pretty well in school as well. My overall GPA for the 2016-2017 school year is 4.36 (and I'm 6th in my class which is kinda disappointing). It is partially because of how strict my parents are about my grades, anything less than an A is a no and a C is suicide. For the school year, I only came out with two B's but they were both 89's so I kind of got off. I did take it pretty bad for myself though since I kind of drill it into my head that I need all A's.

School itself is pretty typical now but looking back in the past it was kind of horrible. I really embarrassed myself in past years with my endless crushes but I'm all over that now. Now my life is really about looking forward to a successful future. Even though there all some setbacks. I do kind of feel that I am not a very people-friendly person though I do have quite a few associates.

From just meeting me in person a person would probably think I'm a very shy person but I am honestly not that shy. At school, I can be one of the most outgoing people you will ever meet. I am a really funny person and you can ask anyone of my peers and I guarantee they would say I had them rolling a few times.

All in all, I am the meanest nice person you will ever meet. I know that probably sounds strange but I have a crazy personality. I can honestly have the boldest thoughts of life but I try not to offend anyone.

The stuff I like is kind of limited. I am EXTREMELY picky about my food and I like the most basic of foods. I don't really like a genre of music but I typically listen to Trap, R&B, Hip Hop, yeah I know typical but I'm not gonna fake like I'm onto that underground SoundCloud type of music. Drake is, however, forever my soulmate and I don't care what anyone says about him, he IS one of the GREATEST!

What I really want to do in life in kind of complicated. I used to want to be a singer (due to Hannah Montana), then a teacher (due to I don't know what), then a writer, now I want to be an entrepreneur and I think it really has something to do with me be my own boss.

The thing is I do also really like the idea of being a like a model or actress too but not as a full on career. I don't know, I have always liked modeling, when my grandmother told me she was almost one but her mother (my great grandmother) told her she wouldn't like it even my grandmother really did and she ended up as a nurse, she is really good at her job though but imagine what she could've been.

Years ago I could've had a foot in the door as a model but I idiotically turned it down and I always wish I had said yes.

I do think I have a much greater purpose in life though, not to be on some other type of jank. I am really passionate about learning about civil rights and all that. So you guys know how I feel about that stuff. I've really been reading up on that sort of stuff recently and it's SO inspiring.

So, yeah I just told y'all some details of my life. That is it so far, nothing that special, and I haven't died so now it's just a '...' for now

And I will end with a question ..

What is something interesting about you guys?


black girl ki.


Snapchat: guapcesski
Instagram: thehairgirlkiki
Twitter: thehairgirlkiki

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