🗣 My Medical Problems

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So today, I've decided that I would talk a little about my medical problems. FYI, I'm not trying to complain or make my conditions seem worse than others because they are not but I thought I would share.

Bowed Leg:

My mother me that when I started walking, she noticed that (I think my right leg) wasn't ... normal. She went to the doctor and found out I was bowed leg and that I would grow out of it. I did, in a way. When I walk I subconsciously walk with my feet pointing outward. When I try to walk straight the sides of my knees touch and trying to stay like that and walk like that literally is painful.

Honestly, I don't know what happened because it hasn't really started hurting as bad as it does now. When I sit and try to keep my legs straight or lay on my stomach and keep my legs straight, it feels like my knees are twisted. If anyone else understands what it is, please comment it.

Back Pain:

I know this is a common problem for people but I am telling you, it is severe. Sometimes it doesn't hurt which makes me think its over and then all of a sudden it hurts so bad that I tear up.

One night, I literally was crying, I'm telling you I laid down at 10 and didn't actually really start falling asleep until after 3:45. My mom and I have the same back pain and no one understands but I think it really is something serious.


This is one off the more serious ones. So anemia, what is it? The textbook definition of it is "Anemia is a condition in which you don't have enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to the body's tissues. Having anemia may make you feel tired and weak. -mayoclinic.org" Basically it's not having enough iron (which I still take pills for about a year later) and I personally believe that if you want to eat ice a lot, good chance you have it (even though iron isn't in ice).

Some symptoms I have was fatigue, tiredness, getting cold very easily, and SEVERE dizzy spells. One time I was in the bathroom about to take a shower and I stood up from the toilet and I blacked out but i still could move and I had to reach for the door and when I opened it cool air came in and I gained my vision. Also, there were times when a fan would literally make me shiver. Then something serious happened and they go hand-in-hand.

So, in the past 4 years since I have had my period, it has been so heavy. Those normal little pads, ohmygosh, I had to change it every thirty minutes to be comfortable so imagine when I was at school. They barely give me a chance to go in between class or during class. IF you can't tell, my pad has leaked more than it's fair share in the past.

About October-November time last year, there was a problem and my period lasted a good 2.5 weeks. I'm telling you, if you think a normal period is back ... I didn't tell anyone at first (I don't know why) but I looked it up and I found out that I probably had menorrhagia. "Menorrhagia is the medical term for menstrual periods with abnormally heavy or prolonged bleeding. Although heavy menstrual bleeding is a common concern, most women don't experience blood loss severe enough to be defined as menorrhagia. -mayoclinic.org"

I eventually told my mother and she told my grandmother (a nurse) and she gave me iron pills. I eventually went to the doctor and I was right. The doctor said my iron levels were very low but if my grandmother didn't give me those pills I would have needed a blood transfusion. So, thank God for grandmas/nurses.

I got a note from the doctor so I didn't have to participate in gym for 2 weeks. Also, after that first appointment and I religiously took iron pills and drunk smoothies full of iron and I was so tired. If I sat down on a couch, I WOULD fall asleep in less than 5 minutes. I never finished my homework at night for about 2 weeks.

It did eventually get better and if I happen to not get my iron intake, I get a little dizzy if I do something a little too fast but it hasn't been than bad since.

And I will end with a question ..

Can you relate to any of this?


black girl ki.


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