There were a few things that Trish and I had in common, so few that it probably came across as very strange that we were even friends at all, let alone best friends. But we were, because our story was based on one part timing and one part understanding. There was a time when both of us would have probably never seen us being this close, but thanks to horrible people, bad teachers and even worse parents, it all just fell into place.
Yet right now, as I held her gaze in a very unhappy staring competition, I began to remember the times our friendship had met with possible separation.
She didn’t even flinch at the unwavering conviction of my words. Silence echoed between us.
“Amy… it’s just one outing. It won’t kill you.”
I grimaced as she spoke. I could tell she was trying to hide her annoyance, by the vein lining down her neck. I ground my teeth against any response. Trish sighed in aggravation and with that I won the staring competition, though it seemed a stupid thing as I tried to find an escape from her plans.
“How many times do I have to reject that guy… and you, before anyone listens?” I moaned, leaning back into my pillows. A sharp intake of breath brought my attention to Trish and for a moment I saw a pained expression etch itself across her face.
“Trish! You okay?” I panicked, reaching for her. Her expression transformed like lightening and her smile was back. Grabbing my outstretched hand and pulling it to her face she laughed gently.
“I’m okay. Just… think your mom’s chilly is taking the scenic route…”
I watched her carefully, examining her face. Standing up from my bed I walked from the room and into my parent’s room. Once I found what I was looking for in the medicine cabinet, I returned to my own room and threw two bottles and a box towards Trish.
“Take those, now.” I demanded, climbing back onto the bed. Trish grabbed the medicine from the bedcovers, looking at me with a strange expression on her face before turning to examine the medicine.
“I’m good for now. I’ll try them later before bed.”
“But you-” I started, but Trish raised her hand, shutting me up as she placed the medicine on the nightstand.
“You Mason, are not going to change the subject.” She stated calmly. I groaned as I slumped against the pillows again.
“Now, as I was saying. One outing, plus did I mention it’s a carnival? We’d have so much fun!”
I raised my eyebrows as she spoke, my interest sparked.
“Did you say ‘we’?”
Trish tried to suppress her grin as her eyes glittered in triumph. As she knit her eyebrows together in mock worry, she turned to me.
“Did I forget to tell you?” she asked innocently. I groaned as I recognized the game she was playing but before I could say anything Trish’s grin broke free as she spread across the bed next to me.
“You didn’t think I’d let you go off alone with that womanizer, did you?” she nudged closer towards me, throwing her left arm across my waist, “Have a little faith in me Amy…” she mumbled as she crawled closer, molding her slender frame to mine.
“I’m guessing Michael will bring along someone to even out, assuming he got the message.”
Her voice was muffled as she spoke through pursed lips. Shifting to my side, I turned to her. Concern was eating at my conscious as I listened to the strange note in her voice. The Trish that lay hugging my side, the complete opposite of the flamboyant and bright persona the outside world knew so well, was a Trish only I had come to know. Her wounds lay open and raw. The simmering anger she carried swirled around her like barbed wire.
It was times like this when the real Trish peeked out, all broken and angry, that I remembered why we were still friends. Wrapping my arms around her, I tried to ease away the irritated frown that marred her face.
“Trish, why do you want me to go so badly…?”
I waited for an answer but the steady rise and fall of her chest told me to abandon any hope of response. In my attempts to shift to a more comfortable position, a low groan caught my attention and soft mumbling ensued, muffled further by pillows.
“...don’ ask me that… don’ hate me…” she mumbled softly, eyes closed and grip tightening. I couldn’t decide if she was answering me or sleep talking. Regardless of either, a feeling of guilt assaulted me as I waited for her to go one. But silence followed and after five minutes of waiting I gave in and slithered my way out from her tight grip.
As I moved as stealthily as possible, glancing briefly at the medication tossed aside on my nightstand, I moved in the direction of the bathroom, switching lights off in my wake. My progress was halted as I came to the door, the sound of mumbling behind me.
Glancing over my shoulder I looked over to Trish’s sleeping form. The pillow I had used as a temporary substitute seemed choked as Trish’s arms tightened around it, shifting closer. The mumbling became slightly clearer as she shifted. I strained my ears to hear her, catching only parts of what she said.
“Mine…blues eyes- ….go away…”
As she trailed off into a light snore I finally decided she must have been sleep talking. Making my way to the bathroom, Trish’s mumblings circled in my mind nagging for my attention.
[>.< it's been forever since I last updated the story and I'm sooo~ sorry. It's hard keeping up an ongoing story and days are tough with writing ToT But hopefully i can finally get this ball rolling!!!
So please enjoy, Comment if you have anything to say & thank you for ready ^-^]

Twin Entanglement [C]
Teen FictionAmy Mason has a problem. Somehow, a rumour started that she was in love with one of the prestigious Angel twins. The most popular idols of the school, Michael and Mia Angel were considered perfect in almost everything and definitely worthy of their...