The Beginning

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I've never been a 'morning person' like lots of other people. The kind that are up and ready as soon as their alarm goes off. The kind that wake up feeling fresh as a Sunflora.

Yeah, that isn't my style, on a normal day that is. Today is different; today is the day I get my first Pokemon!

That's right people, I'm 10 years old and that automatically makes me responsible enough to care for other life forms.

Hey! The name's Liz. I live here, in the Johto region, specifically in New Bark Town. Home to the lab of Professor Elm who, you guessed it, hands out Pokemon to new trainers. For FREE!

As you can probably tell I'm the loud and annoying kind of person who most people want to, but never can, shut up.

If I'm honest though, I'm a little scared. Going on a journey is a big deal and I don't have the best sense of direction, I got lost walking around a Pokemon Centre last year! Not to mention, I'm not a big fan of walking, the constant motion of putting one foot in front of the other? Urghh, so boring...this is already looking bleak isn't it?

Still, I'm hoping I'll grow accustomed to it once I get my Pokemon and we'll be travelling around together. And if that doesn't work out I could always go work in one of those DayCare places? Sitting around all day, watching weird coloured eggs that never move, living the dream!

Oh yeah, back on topic. In the Johto region, you have a choice of three possible starter Pokemon: Chikorita, Cyndaquil or Totodile, and I can't decide which I want the most!

They're all fantastic Pokemon, and all so cute, but I can't bring myself to choose one.

I mean... I may or may not have been up all night thinking about the best starter. But I wasn't thinking battle strategies or anything those top league trainers think about, I kept thinking which of them would make the greatest friend and companion for me as a beginning trainer. I'm not much of a battler, not yet anyways, so thinking about those things feels a bit out of my depth.

I guess I'll just have to wait till I get there, because this journey is going to be a long and tough road, and I'm going to need all the help I can get. I just hope I'm prepared for it.

I finally got ready to set off on my journey, mum and I shared a few tears (hers mostly) and I was on my way

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I finally got ready to set off on my journey, mum and I shared a few tears (hers mostly) and I was on my way. I got on my bike, and set off.

Professor Elm's lab wasn't that far from my house, but I wanted to get there as fast as I could. I can't wait to finally meet my starter Pokemon!

After a 10-minute bike ride, I finally arrived at the lab; one kid was already walking out of there holding a Totodile, well there's one of my options gone... oh well! There's still a Chikorita and Cyndaquil to choose from. Right? I kept the smile on my face as I headed through the doors to see Professor Elm standing in the middle of the room with 3 Pokeballs. Wow, maybe he had a backup Totodile? Perhaps I do get my three options?

"Hey, there Professor Elm! How's it going?" I said loudly, making my presence known.

Elm jumped as he heard my voice, guess I scared him a bit,

"Oh Liz! I'm so sorry I completely forgot you were coming!" He said holding his hand to his chest.

Oh wow, thanks I guess?

"Yep, and I'm here to get my very first Pokemon, I've been planning this day for months!" I said with a pretty big smile on my face.

However, as those words left my mouth I noticed his face drop... oh no, did I say something wrong?

"Oh Liz, I'm so so sorry, I'm afraid there aren't any Pokemon left for you." He said with a disappointed look on his face.

His eyes continued to look at me with regret... but forget him! What about me?!? I've just turned 10, and I should be getting my first Pokemon, and then this happens to me?!? Ok, ok, don't panic, maybe he's joking? Please say he's joking!

I just stood there in a daze; it felt like the whole world crumbled around me, I must have spaced out for a few minute but it seemed like hours. I came back around to see Professor Elm pacing back and forth, obviously trying to think of a way to make it 'better' but he can't, there's no way to make this better.

Until he came to a stop, it was like one of those lightbulb moments, but I just stood there wondering what could be going through his massive head. He turned to me with a big smile on his face, what's he so happy about? This is starting to feel a little creepy,

"LIZ, I GOT IT!!!" He shouted loudly.

I backed away from the crazy man. Ok he obviously cracked that lightbulb that was above his head, because this man is insane. I hesitated before finally saying,

"Got what professor?" I asked, still wary of his answer.

"YOU CAN HAVE A STARTER POKEMON TODAY!!" he answered back, still shouting.

The man's a genius! Scrap all that nonsense of him being insane (Even if it's partially true...). If he can get me a Pokemon today, then I'll take it all back!

"WHAT?!?" I exclaimed. I swear I was jumping at this point!

He took from his pocket a small Pokeball. Yes seriously, this man had a Pokeball in his pocket the entire time, and it only now dawned on him that he could have given it to me.

No matter, we look past the stupidity to get the Pokemon. I have to keep telling myself this.

He pressed the Pokeball, and it suddenly got a little bigger. What Pokemon could be inside? Is it one of the typical Johto starters? Or will it be something else? Something better?

"I think you're really going to love this Pokemon, Liz. From what I've seen of you already, I'd say this Pokemon fits you to a tee!" He squealed happily.

I can't wait!! A Pokemon that fits me to a tee? What could it be? (If he calls out a Beedril or an Ursaring I may kill him... the nerve of some people)

And just like that, a bright light came from the Pokeball, the moment of truth! It's... it's... it's...


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I can't believe it!! It's so cute! It gave me the cutest smile, and I just couldn't believe it!

"Professor Elm, this is the best Pokemon you could have given me!! Thank you so much!" I said with the biggest smile on my face.

Eevee already looked happy to see me, at least I hope it's happiness. As I knelt to say 'hi' Eevee automatically jumped onto my shoulder and rubbed its head into my cheek, I think we're going to be the best of friends!

Well there you go guys, my first Pokemon fanfiction... well story I guess. Tell me what you think, if you like how it's set out or if I should change it in any way. I'll be sure to update again soon X

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