Chapter 59

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I knew it.

This is the first thought that crossed my mind, when the first shot was heard, rooting me on the spot, petrified. My siblings, including Hailey, quickly react. They rush forward, guns brandished. They run toward the danger.

But I just couldn't.

My senses don't respond anymore, my whole body is trembling. The gunshots are echoing painfully inside my brain. My breath gets heavy. I'm panicking.

Screams pull me out of my thoughts, though I don't get a grip on myself, and I look around. The oldests, well, the bravests, are now in position further hidden behind cars, facing the ones who attack and reply mercilessly. I lost track of traces my siblings. Even Ratliff disappeared.

I realise the screams aren't from them, but the little ones, all gathered between the others and me. Some cling onto one other, some flattened their hands on their ears. They shudder more than I do, if it's even possible.

I knew it. The weather was presaging nothing good , Infecteds would jump on us sooner or later. But I would've never imagined this could happen.

We should've stayed inside, we should've stayed inside...


The idea barely sprouted in my mind that I rush forward. Time to be brave.

"Hey, hey!" I shout at the youngests. No one react, they're too focused at what is over there. I have to tug brutally at the closest to make them budge.

"Follow me!"

"Whe-where is Ratliff?" Jessica hiccups, while she rocks herself back and forth, arms wrapped around her shivering body. I don't miss the tear stains on her cheeks.

"Just follow me!"

Most likely through fear of being killed, they run after me without contesting my orders or asking questions. I go the further possible, and kick down with my foot the door of the building which seem the less in a bad state. I have to go about a several times before the rotten wood yield. Behind us, the shots didn't stop. I step aside from the opening I just made, and do wide signs to incite them to come in. They don't even hesitate.

As far as I know, there could be Infecteds in there. I bite my lips and curse myself for not thinking of it sooner. While they go in one by one, I check I haven't forgotten anyone. I see a few familiar faces distorted by the fear. Kyle, Johanna, Jessica, Todd. I feel guilty for not knowing the name of the rest.

Before diving into to building myself, I attempt to have a glimpse in the street to see my siblings and my friends, but I picked up a place too far from the ambush. At least, we're out of range of the bullets.
I close the door, and press myself against it. I turn toward Kyle, breathless.

"Get something to block it!"

"What? I..."

"Do what I said!" I raise my voice. It's enough to make him move, after a little jump of surprise. He makes for a broken vending machine at the corner of the room, and knocks it down, to then tries to push it toward me. Remorse eats me up when I see he's doing his best, but barely makes it move. I've been too harsh with him, it isn't his fault. He'll never do it by himself, he's only 12 after all.

I break away from my spot, and go help him. In a matter of seconds, we shift the vending machine in front of the door.

"Thank you." I tell Kyle, panting.

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