Chapter 39

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The music in the media isn't related to the chapter, I just decided to share some music I'll like with you, from now on. You can listen to them if you want, it's up to you 😂


"Lynch, you're here tomorrow, same place, same hour, got it?" My superior shouts to me when I make for the stairs that leads inside the camp. I roll my eyes. I don't think he even realises he is a bit too harsh, but he does it with everyone, I don't take it personally. He shouldn't be this strict in my opinion, my current job consists to kill the potential Infecteds that woud come near the surrounding walls, and I only see a few, even none sometimes.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be there don't worry." I greet him, and hurtle down the stairs.
Well, I HOPE I'll be there tomorrow. I'm going outside and nobody knows what can happen, I'm pretty everything will be fine though. The plan set up with Ethan kind of worked well, and I managed to get into the building without difficulty thanks to his directives. I now know where the equipments are, where is the departure and when. Little problem, I don't know where we're going. If we go at the opposite of West Los Angeles, it would've been useless. I'm supposed to be discreet, I can't ask them to go where I want. But, it does worth the try, I'll never forgive myself if I don't do anything. And well, Ethan would kill me if I give up now. He had to come to the building to create a diversion to a guy from the outside patrol who showed up meanwhile, so I could go out. The man will think Ethan is a madman for life now. You should have seen how he told me off when I came to his room for a debrief.

I need to join him in a few minutes by the way, in the music room inside the "school", for my lessons. But first I  decide to go see Maddy to the hospital. We've been even closer lately, and she works more than us. A little company will be good for her.

So I make for the hospital with a firm step. I push the metallic door, and I'm greeted by the lady at the desk. I greet as well smiling back at her, and walk toward the sector Maddy ususally work at at this hour.

It's when I arrive there I realise she isn't here, after I searched everywhere. It's empty here, even almost all the rooms are unoccupied, I can't ask details to anyone. If Maddy's not here, it only means one thing. She's probably there.

It's then reluctantly  and with hands in my pockets I'm heading for Liam's room. I don't really want to go there, it reminds me too much why I can't date Maddy. She still has feelings for him, and I don't blame her for this, it's quite normal, he's her boyfriend who has been in coma for months now. I respect the fact she wants to wait, and not going out with me for the moment. At least, she knows I have feelings for her, and the most important, I know she also has some for me.

I don't pay attention to the curious look the people working  give me when I eventually arrive at the right room. But when I glance inside, I notice Maddy isn't there neither, and that the bed is empty.

Liam is not here anymore.

I frown staring at the white sheets impeccably folded on the bed. I look around me searching for someone who could give me answers. I don't dare to come into the room to read the informations on the clipboard hung up to the edge of the bed, it's pretty rude in my opinion. But the corridor is empty once again, right when I need answers. I then decide to sit in a chair along the wall and wait for Maddy. She knows I often come anyway, she'll be here soon with explanations.

Maybe they displaced him. The few of patients here are all in the other part of the building, and they wanted to get him closer to avoid to do too many round trips, who knows. It's rather logical.

I wait 15 minutes, maybe less because I'm really bored, before I hear footsteps, that tells me someone is coming in the corridor. I turn my head right when the person open the double-wing door. It happens to Maddy, who was probably coming here to see if I was here today. But as soon as she sees me, her eyes fill up with tears, and she bites her lips as her chin quiver a little. I rushly get up, anxiety overwhelming my body, and she runs in the corridor, to end up in tears in my arms. My eyes land on the empty bed in Liam's room, and I think I get what's happening.

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