♕ | Chapter One

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Chapter One: the moment


THIS WAS IT. This was the moment I have been waiting for all summer. The moment where I would finally get to see Archie again. Every other summer we've spent together taking day trips to the beach, biking up to Pop's or hanging out in Jughead's tree house, but this time I haven't seen Archie in two months. We didn't hang out like we use to.

I'm not mad at him though, I mean, we aren't kids anymore. We have responsibilities, his mainly involving helping his dad at his construction company. I am excited more than anything, excited to finally talk to him again.

There is a knot in the pit of my stomach, a knot so big I feel like I'm going to throw up. I haven't felt this nervous in a long time, but I have to keep telling myself this is the good kind of nervous. It's just going to be like any other talk with Archie right? It's never been awkward between us.

I open the door to Pop's diner, smiling at Pop himself before scanning the restaurant for a familiar ginger. My mouth flashes into a smile as I spot him, sitting facing away from me at our regular booth. I have to remind myself not to act too excited, not to make things weird or anything as I speed walk over to the table.

"Archie!" I greet with excitement, my smile wide.

"Betty!" Archie smiles, standing up to embrace me in a hug. As his arms wrap around me I have to force myself not to get lost in his embrace. He's so comforting, so familiar I could fall asleep beside him and not feel weird at all. That's how close we are- or at least how close I like to think we are.

"How are you?" He asks, releasing me from the hug.

I can't help but miss the feel of his strong arms wrapped around my body. Somehow, his arms feel stronger, more muscular and I find myself fantasizing over what's underneath his varsity football jacket.

"Betty?" He asks again, his thick brow raised. I don't even realized I'm out of it until his voice calls me back.

"Hmm? Oh, I'm good! How are you?" I ask, my cheeks blushing immensely.

"I'm great now that you're here." He smiles, both of us sitting down at the booth.

I shake my head and glanced down, trying desperately to hide my flushed cheeks. Thankfully Pop comes over to take our order, saving me from an opportunity for me to embarrass myself. We both order our usual, my classic vanilla milkshake while he orders the double chocolate one.

"So, how was your summer?" I begin, sipping the thick milkshake through the straw.

"Pretty good, a lot of hard work. You know, I think my dad expects me to run the business one day, but Betty, I don't think I can do it." He frowns, staring at his milkshake.

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