♕ | Chapter Thirty-Eight

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chapter thirty-eight: rogue

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chapter thirty-eight: rogue

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WE ENDED up all staying at Betty's house last night, turning Veronica and Betty's little sleep over into a great big one. It was cozy yet comfortable none the less, as these are people I would trust my life with. There's no other group of people I would rather room with, despite Archie's obnoxious snoring. Once you fall asleep however, his snoring is just a hum of background noise. Besides, sleeping beside the one I admire just makes everything perfect. Hell, we could be sleeping in a rustic, old, dusty shack in the middle of the woods and I would be perfectly content if I had Betty by my side.

Betty and I shared her bed while Archie and Veronica shared the guest room. I assume Ronnie took the bed and Archie took the floor, however I haven't been too worried to check. I've been most concerned about Betty, especially with her mental state.

Never have I ever seen anyone, not even Betty be so frozen. It was like she wasn't even there, like her mind had evaporated out of her brain. All I can remember is how glassy her eyes were, filled with fear and tears. As I touched her skin it was ice cold, the thought sending chills down my spine as I think about it. Her fingers trembled and I swear I could see her heart beating through her chest- either it was that or she was breathing rapidly.

As I look over at her now, with her eyes closed and her breathing steady, I know this is the only time today she's going to be relaxed. Hell, for all I know she's not even relaxed now, as her dreams could be filled with treacherous things. That's the thing with sleep I guess; you expect it to be a escape from reality, a guaranteed eight hours of no stress, no concerns however that is all turned upside down when your mind turns your dreams into nightmares. You can go from dreaming about your favourite TV show from suddenly falling down a twenty story tower. You never really can tell what's going through someone's mind, and that's what worries me the most.

Betty is an expressive, emotional person, yet she's extremely caring. In fact, she's so caring that she'll care for others more than herself. She'll show emotion when speaking to others, but it's not necessarily her emotion. She's an amazing story teller, and to do that you have to be able to slip into another person's shoes, feel what they're feeling. With that, there's hardly any room to show your emotion, as you're more focused on other people. I know because I can be the same way.

Betty is an amazing friend, always listens, always offers advice. More times than not she waves off her problems because she puts other's problems before hers. Solving Jason's murder is just another example.

She's so adamant, so determined to help Cheryl, to put the town at ease that she doesn't care what it's doing to her. She brushes off the fact that she was kidnapped by the Blossoms, that she was drugged. She kept the whole Grundy thing a secrete for a while, until things got bad. Even then she was still okay, but when the whole Polly thing went down, everything went down.

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