♕ | Chapter Seventeen

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chapter seventeen: mission impossible


THE REST of the funeral was kind of a blur, as both Jughead and I were not really all that there mentally. Our minds were buzzed, as if high on new information. That's what detective work did for us really; it was something we craved, and when we finally lit something up, it was the best feeling in the world.

For the most part, Jughead and I sat in the living room, side by side on the couch still partly frozen from the whole thing. We didn't know what to say, or how to respond to one another, so we sat in comfortable silence, and let our minds eat away at ourselves. Our minds were very alike in the fact that all they wanted to do was make sense of the problems handed to us. Unlike some people, we couldn't simply shake off problems or ignore them; we had to find the truth, to find meaning in every action, in every thought. In a way it was a complex form of overthinking.

"You guys ready to go?" Veronica suddenly asks, appearing in front of us.

Jughead and I both jump, scared by her sudden presence. "Yes." Jughead says, answering on behalf of me. He knows that all I want to do is get out of this god forsaken house. It holds nothing but a mystery I am too tired to solve. However, I'm thankful we've managed to pry some sort of information out of the thick wood that lines the ceiling and floors. This place is practically dripping with clues, however it takes time to fill the bucket to gain enough useful information to make sense of.

"How is Cheryl?" I ask as Veronica leads us out to her mother's car.

"She's pretty shaken up." Veronica admits. "Don't say anything, but I saw her get in deep trouble for what she did today. Her parents- especially her mother were not happy. I almost feel bad for her." She says, trailing off.

"She did loose a lot. I can tell her and Jason were close." I sigh. "It must be creepy, to stay in the same mansion that once was filled with your other twin, only to wake up one day and realize your other half is gone." I say quietly, thinking aloud.

"Not to mention she lives with the wicked witch of the west." Jughead remarks, his hands stuffed casually in his pockets.

I send Juggie a small smile, thankful he's able to lighten up the mood. "That's exactly it though!" Veronica exclaims in a loud whisper. "Cheryl's mother is evil I swear! There's something about her family that is so..."

"Off?" I question.

"Yes!" Veronica claps her hands together, as the three of us enter the cab.

Veronica's mother sits in the front passenger seat, as their assistant takes the wheel. I lean my head back against the seat as we drive away, my eyes gazing the eerie mansion that seems to be holding many secretes.

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