♕ | Chapter Fifty

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chapter fifty: this moment

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chapter fifty: this moment


RIVERDALE'S 75th Jubilee Celebration could not have come at a better, or worse time. It comes at a time where the town is still in shock, still swallowing the reality, yet also a time where it has never been so high. A murder mystery has been solved and our minds can go to rest, however an innocent man sits behind bars while a broken girl still grieves. The whole town is still grieving, trying to wrap their heads around the fact that such a beloved family ended in such a big tragedy, our town's famous maple syrup business being nothing but a hoax.

People are still mad, filled with more anger than relief knowing F.P Jones was not the killer. He was a suspect people were so sure on, when in reality I believe they were grasping at straws, looking for anyway to blame the North Side Serpents. Jason Blossom's murder and F.P's involvement was the perfect opportunity for that underlying hatred to finally seep through the cracks, become exposed to the fresh air of hatred that has fogged Riverdale.

Bringing people together in a time like this is both comforting yet dangerous. A room filled with hundreds of angry and vengeful people is scary, but is also a good way to help them heal. Our town needs to come together now more than ever, which is why there has been so much pressure to make this night perform it's best. It consists of a live performance from Josie and her Pussycats, as well as several speeches.

To add to the stress, I have been chosen by Mayor McCoy to give the first speech. I've known about it for months now, but I've been so distracted with Jason Blossom's murder case and all my family drama to actually realize what my speech means. At first when I was asked to give the speech, and when Archie was asked to perform, I was delighted and quite content. Now I just wish I passed it along, let someone else take the hot seat. The impact that this speech has the potential to change is both inspiring yet utterly terrifying all at the same time, causing my brain to mix with a concoction of emotions.

Cheryl's suicide attempt is still fresh in all our minds, leaving us all quite shaken up. Cheryl however seems to be doing fine, as she's spent the past night at Veronica's house. I can only imagine how odd it must feel, as yesterday it was Cheryl's sole intent to end her life, only to wake up another day and relive the reality of the fact that her father shot and murdered her own brother. Her family has been torn apart, and yet she is still standing. One day I aspire to be as strong as her. Both her and Jughead have been through so much, and are still fighting.

I haven't seen Jughead all day today actually. In fact, I haven't really sat down and spoken to him at all since everything unfolded. We haven't spoken alone too much within the past few days, between Cheryl's incident and his father's arrest. We've both been shaken up, him especially with his father being in jail, which is quite understandable. I just would've thought that we'd have more time to comfort each other, talk about everything, but instead we've been a little distant, healing in our own ways. Quite frankly I miss him, and I don't even think he'll show up to this event. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't, seeing as the entire town knows his father is in jail. The entire town knows what happened thanks to my mother and her inner journalist. It was like that job was made for her.

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