♕ | Chapter Two

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Chapter two: the f word


AFTER the school bell rings, it's usually chaos in the hallways. There are the kids who want nothing but to escape the school ground as if it were a prison. Then there are the socializers who stay within the hallways for a good hour after the bell rings just to talk to their friends. Then there are people like me who stay behind just for fun.

With the whole Jason missing case going on, my parents- especially my mother- aren't the best people to be around. I especially know my mother won't be proud of me joining the River Vixons, but for now I'll keep it a secret. I joined the team for me, no one else.

I wander the hallways for a while, waiting for the school to clear out before I make my way into the study room which is usually empty after school. It just so happens it isn't empty today.

I peer in the window of the door, smiling at the crown shaped beanie visible in the distant. I slowly open the door, but wince as it let out the loudest creak I have ever heard. "Shoot." I whisper under my breath.

"Just a tip, don't pursue a career in the spy agency." Jughead chuckles, turned around in his chair so that he is facing me.

I laugh. "You just crushed my dreams." I tease, taking a seat across from him. The room is empty, nothing but the hum of electricity through the vending machine audible.

"Or I just saved your life." He points out, shutting his laptop.

I smile, feeling slightly guilty that I haven't seen or talked to Jughead all summer. It's not that we didn't make plans, but we were just never available at the same time. I have a feeling Jughead and Archie aren't on good terms either, as the last I heard Archie bailed on their yearly forth of July trip.

"How was your summer?" I ask, resting my head on my hand.

"Decent." He shrugs. "How about yours?"

"Nothing exciting." I sigh.

Jughead abruptly leans forwards, his hands placed on the edge of the table. "Nothing exciting? Bets, you had an article written in the paper! That's like every writer's dream!" He exclaims, pushing a strand of his black hair back under his hat.

I chuckle at his enthusiasm. "It's nothing special." I say. "My mother was sick and asked me to finish her entry to the paper." I shrug.

Jughead too is a writer, which was something we both have in common. This old computer lab is usually where we would spend our after school time, writing our own things. Occasionally we even work on the school newsletter together. In other words, we make a pretty good team.

"That's still amazing Bets, I'm happy for you." He smiles genuinely.

"Thanks Jug." I smile back, debating on whether or not I want to switch the topic. I want to know why he is mad at Archie. "Are you and Archie..."

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