♕ | Chapter Thirty-Five

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chapter thirty-five: i spy


THEY SAY  that smooth seas do not make good sailors. Until now, I've seen that line as a pointless quote to throw around in my mind, not quite finding meaning for it until now. 

Never before has my life been filled with so much drama, so much crisis and anxiety, darkness surrounding every corner. It feels like I've been living in darkness for the past few weeks, slowly drowning myself in it. 

Today however, was different. Today it felt like I could finally breathe again, like I could finally return to the surface. 

All the pain I've endured, all the crying, the drama and the fear has forced me to keep my eyes open, forced me to be prepared for anything and everything. Now, after all the things I've seen I feel invincible, like I've sailed the toughest seas and made it back alive to tell the story, only to want to sail all over again at the next high tide. 

I was completely prepared tonight to confront the Blossoms, to confront Penelope once again after the incident weeks ago. I spent the night mentally preparing myself for any argument that were to arise today. However, it seems as if all my preparation was for nothing. 

There was no incident, no cat fight or heated argument. Sure there was noticeable tension floating around the room, but nothing fell apart like I thought it would. It felt kind of wrong to be honest, and the whole time I was just waiting for things to fall apart. 

My mother behaved herself, even choked down her pestering, smart mouth comments every time Penelope spoke, and that makes me proud. Cheryl was Cheryl, and Penelope seemed relatively reserved for the most part. 

The only time where I thought something was going to happen was the moment Penelope suggested that Polly stay with them at Thronhill. I could've sworn in that moment my mother's blood started to boil and her eyes turned stone cold, as did mine. Just the thought of Polly living in that poisonous place makes me want to vomit. 

I know Polly will never choose to stay with the Blossoms over us, so I know I have nothing to worry about. 

Soon after the baby shower ended, my mother drove Polly and I home, including Jughead. I still can't believe that he actually showed up, dressed up and everything. It was absolutely adorable. My insides still swirl around in delight every time I think about it. 

Veronica on the other hand also did an amazing job, and I owe her a big debt. I'm surprised to say her idea of bringing my family together worked, as I feel as if my sister feels more loved now. I can only hope she feels like her and the baby are welcomed in our home. 

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