♕ | Chapter Thirty-Three

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chapter thirty-three: the return of grundy

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chapter thirty-three: the return of grundy


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IF YOU  told me when I was younger that I had to share my bed with anyone, I would have put on a full on temper tantrum. With me being the younger sibling, I always had to give my bed up during Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving when guests would sleep over. My room alone would transform into a four star bed and breakfast, and I would be forced to sleep with Polly.

I hate sleeping with other people. Absolutely hate it.

I would rather sleep outside in the backyard with nothing but a pillow than share a bed with someone else. I hate knowing there's someone beside me, leaving out the option for me to sprawl like a starfish in the middle of the bed. I hate how hot it gets, how claustrophobic I begin to feel. I hate everything about it.

Or use to hate rather.

I've learned that sleeping beside a pestering sibling is different than sleeping beside a romantic lover. It sounds dumb, I know, but I swear my sleep last night was the best sleep I've gotten my entire life and THAT, is saying a lot with all things considered.

Sleeping beside Jughead felt different, made me feel even more comfortable compared to when I would sleep alone. It was comforting to know he was right there, that even in my most vulnerable state I would be protected. With Ms.Grundy sighted just outside my house, I don't think I ever thought I would get sleep in my own room again, but with Jughead there I was able to.

I trust him enough with my life. I trust Jughead more than most people, including Archie. In fact, I trust Jughead more than I trust my own mother.

Even though I got only three hours of sleep, I still feel energized, and part of me even forgot what happened last night. All my worries were swept away just by Jughead's presence. I guess that's just the kind of effect Jughead Jones has on me.

The first two classes of today went by so slow, I actually thought the clock was broken. I even went as far to ask if I should run down to the janitor's office and pick up some new batteries. That question delivered me some weird looks, and in return my cheeks flushed a bright red. So I guess maybe the effects of sleep deprivation have started to hit me.

At this point it doesn't even matter, because I'm fully focused on finding Jughead. It's now lunchtime, and no matter how fast I walk I just can't seem to push my way through the crowd. I'm so tired that I don't even notice I've walked right past Veronica. It's not until I hear her voice peak through the buzzing crowd that I take notice.



I halt in my steps and turn around at the familiar nicknames, making direct eye contact with Veronica. She stands with Kevin, so I head over in hopes they know where Jughead is.

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