♕ | Chapter Three

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Chapter Three: the body


AFTER NEARLY   two months of an ongoing missing person's case, the body of Jason Blossom has finally been recovered. Don't think too quickly though, as the case remains open. Jason didn't just drown like first thought, no because Jason Blossom was shot.

It was a discovery that would forever change the face of Riverdale, a case that would put it on the map. It wasn't just a discovering, but an awakening; an awakening to the truth of what this town holds, the truth that no town is innocent. The truth that unleashes the chance that the person sitting next to you isn't the person you once knew. There are after all very few people that despised Jason Blossom, and very few that would go to such lengths even to bother killing him.

What a rash thing killing is. To eliminate a human from the earth, to go to such extent to erasing everything that they are, everything that they could become is bizarre, but apparently not too bizarre for our special little town.

I walk down the busy hallway of Riverdale High, unintentionally making eye contact with the one and only Archie Andrews. I hope he'll let me pass without problems, but instead he calls my name. "Jughead, have you seen Betty?" He asks with concern. The mention of Betty Cooper sparks my attention, enough to get me to stop by his locker.

"No, Archie I haven't." I reply, furrowing my brows in confusion. "I'm surprised you don't know, considering what happened last night." I say with recognizable bitterness.

"What do you mean?" Archie pauses, my words not registering to him.

"Oh don't be so oblivious Archie." I scoff. "Everyone knows what you and Veronica did last night at Cheryl Bomshell's house. I wouldn't be surprised if Betty never speaks to you again." I say, gripping the strap of my backpack tighter. "She deserves better." I mutter, hoping Archie won't catch it, but with the Jones misfortune of luck, he does.

"I know." He whispers to himself. "Did you hear about the body?" He asks.

"Did you hear they sent a man to the moon?" I retort, but Archie seems unamused. "Yes man, I heard about Jason's body." I roll my eyes.

"Who do you think did it?" Archie stammers, clearly upset about the news. It surprises me. I never thought he and Jason were close.

"No clue." I shrug. "He did go missing the weekend of the forth of July." I point out.

"What are you implying Jug?" Archie accuses, before quickly sighing. "Listen, I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you Jug, I really didn't. It's just that weekend something came up." He apologizes, and for a second I believe him. Deep down there's that part of me that wants to believe he cares, that we're still as close as we use to be, but then I think about what I heard from last night.

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