♕ | Chapter Forty-Two

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chapter forty-two: stick in the mud

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chapter forty-two: stick in the mud


*50 + votes until next chapter*

DEFEAT wraps around my body like a razor sharp blanket, preventing me from breathing. All I can feel is the guilt and regret as everything I just said actually sinks into my veins. All I can picture is Betty's tearful eyes, her fragile voice begging me to reason with her, all while my head was too stuck up my ass to think otherwise.

In those moments of heated discussion, my mind was elsewhere, my heart and brain no longer working in sync. It's as if my brain had had enough of my heart, and decided to repel against it.

Everything had gotten me worked up, from the birthday party to Chuck walking through the door- everything just set me on edge, and Betty just happened to be the one to take the downfall. She was the one who I subconsciously blamed everything on, my mind looking for an excuse for my actions.

As she storms out, it's as if my heart has suddenly overpowered my brain and returned me to my senses. In those minuscule moments of anger, I spilled out all my fears, all the deep dark truths that I secretly fear in our relationship. Everyday I wake up and think about how lucky I am, for a guy like me to get a girl like her. She's so out of my league, so much nicer, kinder, and overall just a happy person compared to me. I'm a dark loner, an outsider, someone who shouldn't even be seen socializing with a girl like Betty Cooper.

It's the overpowering, nonsense thoughts like these that pushed me over the edge. Betty didn't deserve to hear that. She didn't ask to see inside my dark mind.

I know deep down I should go and talk to her, but the image stained inside my mind from moments ago reminds me that she probably doesn't want anything to do with me. I know it's probably just best if I head home, leave this god forsaken party.

With my head down, I make my way inside and push through the crowds of people, making awkward eye contact with my father who stands in the kitchen. I blantently ignore him, giving him a stoic glare before moving towards the front door.

"Hey Jughead!" Ethel suddenly says, holding out a piece of cake. "You didn't have cake! It's bad luck you know."

"No, this whole night is bad luck" I say, scratching the back of my neck. "I'm ghosting. See you at school." I say before turning around. I don't have to look back to know my father is giving me a disapproving look.

I see the front door within reach, my hand out in preparation to twist open the door handle so I can efficiently bolt out of here, when suddenly a dangerous dynamic duo cross in front of me.

"Whoa there, where do you think you're going, guest of honour?" Chuck smirks, standing in my way.

I nearly roll my eyes before pushing past him, determined to leave out that front door when suddenly a strong hand pushes me back. "Get out of my way, Chuck." I state firmly.

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