♕ | Chapter Twenty-Nine

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chapter twenty-nine: red hands

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chapter twenty-nine: red hands


IT FELT like we couldn't get out of there quicker, like our light jog out the Thornhill gates was nothing but a slow walk. I felt the need to look behind me every five seconds, fearing we were being followed. Although we couldn't physically see anyone following us, I knew we were no doubt being watched from the top window of the house.

Just at the thought I turn around, scanning the windows of the mansion just in time to see a curtain shift back into view, as if someone has moved from their place behind it. Just the thought of Penelope standing there is enough to send chills down my spine.

"My dad is here." Archie points to an oncoming pick up truck. "There won't be enough room in the front, some of you will have to side on the tailgate." He instructs as his dad pulls to a stop.

"Get in." Fred orders, eyeing someone behind us. It's not until I follow Fred's gaze that I realize Clifford Blossom is standing outside the gates, leaning against a grand oak tree.

"You all have a wonderful evening." Clifford says, his lips formed upwards in a lackadaisical grin. Just watching him stand there so arrogantly makes my stomach turn with the utter most turmoil. It makes me wonder if he was the one to carry me out of Pop's. Then again, maybe Penelope is right. Maybe I just passed out because of my hand.

"We will." Fred replies while the rest of us hop into the truck.

"Here." Jughead holds out his hand to help hoist me up into the back of the truck.

I hold out my injured hand without even thinking. "Your other hand, Betty." Jughead lets out a light laugh, refusing to grasp my wounded hand. I can only imagine the piercing pain that would follow if he didn't notice and hoisted me up anyways.

"Oh yeah.. oops." I laugh awkwardly, feeling my cheeks flush as I hold out my other hand for him to take.

As soon as we're all in the truck, Fred speeds away, wanting to get as far away from this house as possible just like us. Once we're a good distance away, he opens the back window leading into the tailgate and glances at me. "Betty, are you alright? Your parents have been looking for you all day. Hell, the whole town has." Fred questions kindly.

"Yeah, I'm alright, thank you." I reply, folding my hands within my lap.

"Well, what happened?" Veronica asks, wanting to get straight to the point.

"I met Cheryl at Pop's and then passed out because of my hand. I think it might be infected." I shrug casually, wanting desperately to chance the topic. Jughead's analytical gaze on me makes me feel bad for lying. I can already tell he senses my fabrication. "How did you guys find me?" I ask.

"We heard from a little birdie that you had gone off and met someone at Pop's. All it took was a little questioning from Pop to figure out who you met last night. That's when we found out it was Cheryl, hence why we ended up here." Veronica smiles at me, trying to make me feel better. Honestly at this moment I don't know what to feel. I don't even know what happened.

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