♕ | Chapter Twenty-Two

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chapter twenty-two: once upon a crime

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chapter twenty-two: once upon a crime


FOR THE FIRST TIME in a long time, I was woken up by my alarm. Usually I wake up automatically, not having gotten much sleep. Usually I'm a light sleeper, but it appears last night I had a fairly decent sleep. I can't help but think part of the reason may be because of the smile that didn't leave my face, even after I put my phone away and charged it.

Groaning, I turn over and slam my alarm off before springing up and out of bed, nearly falling over having gotten up too fast. I rub my eyes before making my way to my closet, climbing up the stool to poke my head through the attic door to wake Jughead to make sure we aren't late for school. I just want to get this school day over with so we can go and find this mysterious car Polly and Jason planned to run away in. However, it just so happens that when you're looking forwards to something, the day usually goes by a million times slower.

"Jughead!" I shout in a hushed voice. "Jughead you awake?" I call, but there's no response. "Not this again." I mumble under my breath as I climb up into the attic.

However, as I approach his sleeping bag, I find it empty. His school bag, phone and books are all gone, leaving nothing behind except his clothes and sleeping bag. It's as if he's already left for school. "What the hell?" I scratch the back of my neck before returning back to my room.

I grab my phone and dial his number, pacing around the room as I listen to the phone ring. *beep*"Hi you've reached Jughead. Please leave a message... or don't. I probably won't listen to it." *beep*.

"ugh!" I sigh, throwing my phone on my bed.

Not knowing where Jughead is is stressing me out. There are so many things that could happen, so many things that could have gone wrong. What if my parents found him, sent him to the police? What if someone had taken him? What if the Sisters wanted to question him? What about the cops? Maybe they found out we know about the car? I mean that is evidence right? Isn't it illegal to hide evidence?

"Okay Betty, stop it." I curse myself, closing my eyes and shaking my head. I can't think like this. For all I know he just left early for school so my parents didn't see him. Although he's never done that before, I have to believe that is all that happened, or else I will start to fill with anxiety, and Betty with anxiety is never good.

Focusing on positive thoughts, I head over to my closet and get ready for school, choosing a simple outfit like I always do; a simple sweater and jeans. I quickly apply a light coat of make-up before tying my hair up into my signature pony-tail.

I decide to skip breakfast as I don't really have the stomach for it with all the anxiety floating around my head, so instead I grab my backpack and head out the door, getting an early start on my walk. I don't say anything to my parents, nor do they see me leave which is in both of our best interests. I don't feel like talking to them right now, as all the conversation will be forced.

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