♕| Chapter Six

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Chapter Seven: the arrest


THERE IS NO word that even comes close to describing the feeling you get when you discover you've been a complete idiot. That's how I feel right now. Like a complete idiot, blind to the truth that was quite literally hanging in front of my face.

All this time I thought I was the problem, that I was the rock in the road in our friendship when in reality, I wasn't. I'm not the one that's changed Archie, no because that is solely the fault of the one and only Riverdale High music teacher, Ms.Grundy.

I don't know what to feel, which is why there is no single word to describe how I'm feeling. I feel disappointed in Archie, as I never expected him to get involved with a teacher. I feel surprised, and rather embarrassed that a teacher caught the eye of my best friend, instead of me.


"Mom!" I jump, slamming my diary shut. "How many times have I told you to knock?" I mutter, leaning back in my desk chair.

"How many times have I told you, this is my house?" She retorts, scanning my room. I don't know what she thinks I'm hiding, but she does it every time she comes into my room. "I just wanted to let you know, I finished writing the article for Monday's paper, the one concerning Cheryl's confession and the autopsy." She crosses her arms across her chest.

"Did you sensationalize it again?" I mutter under my breath.

"I'm giving the people what they want. They deserve to know the whole story." My mother explains as if she's done nothing wrong. Sometimes that's what scares me the most- that she doesn't even realize the things she does is wrong.

"You're turning this horrible story into a freak show, adding onto the drama this poor family has to deal with." I shake my head. It came to a surprise to all of Riverdale when Cheryl Blossom was taken into custody yesterday, the first arrest being made. Of course, no one really knew the truth of what she did, so my mom took it in her hands to make up some story.

"Poor family? Don't you ever think of them like that again Elizabeth Cooper." She scoffs. "What Jason did to Polly, ruined her and it ruined us-"

"How mom?" I snap. "How did it ruin Polly? What's wrong with her?" I press, anxious for answers. I haven't seen my sister in months.

"She's sick, Betty. She needs to get better." My mom dismisses, walking to my door.

"Well why can't I see her?" I question, rolling my eyes as I wait for her to say what she always says.

"Because, she needs time to get better by herself." she says. "Now take your medication." She orders, dropping the bottle of pills onto my desk before leaving my room.

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